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If I Ever Break Into The Video Game Biz...

Takuma Nuva


...I intend to reinvent the dungeon crawler genre. Seriously. I spent a good part of one day thinking how I would do it instead of doing my homework. :P




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I do things like that all the time...

I actually came up with an entire game design while not doing my calculus homework...

Thing is that I forgot it as soon as I DID the homework

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I remember back when you were making Toast Busters: The Game (which later evolved into Toast Busters: The Movie).


By the way, I still have that demo of that game. Being a video game character is essentially the awesomest thing ever.

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I remember back when you were making Toast Busters: The Game (which later evolved into Toast Busters: The Movie).


By the way, I still have that demo of that game. Being a video game character is essentially the awesomest thing ever.

And I lost every bit of work on it I ever did. xP Ah well. I've got better things to do anyways. *Remembers the homework he's supposed to be doing.*


«Takuma Nuva»
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If you do, you better hope you don't slander the marvelous gameplay of Zelda.

The Zelda games aren't considered part of the dungeon crawler genre, no matter how many actual dungeons they actually use. :P


«Takuma Nuva»
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I'll be looking forward to that.

*notices that Takuma refrained form commenting on Toast Buster: The Movie*

When areyou going to update that?



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