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Now I'm Mad At Myself!

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Because I just realized I should be doing something in my control panel instead of here!


Why am I...not here?


I'm going to give you something to do while I struggle to answer the above question. While on the subject of questions...


Okay, here's a question for you. Just a few. A few. A few. That means not many, Turakii. Be quiet now. I am. I know you are.


...You should talk to yourself sometime, it's fun. No it's not. It is, and stop pestering me already! I don't want to. Ha, you ended with "to"! I did not. Did too. Not. Too. Not! Too! You look ridiculous. Good point. Let's stop now. Okay, fine. Whatever. Whatever.


Okay, here's the questions (at last!):



1. How would you translate, "you haven't misinterpreted me not unerringly"?


2. What's "savvy" mean? (Yes, I'm serious here!)


3. How do you feel about the ;) emoticon?


4. Which BZP emoticon have you never seen used once?





Whaddya mean, "is the last one a trick question"? Oh no, of course not...why would I put in a trick question? How silly...oh no, never, I wouldn't ever, ever do that...


And hopefully, tomorrow's entry will contain something other than questions.






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1. You have not misunderstood me without error


2. websters says, "alteration of sabi know (in English-based creoles and pidgins), from Portuguese sabe he knows, from saber to know, from Latin sapere to be wise"


3. I love it!


4. :kaukau:

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1. Wha?

2. Savvy is, like, swash-bluckling speak for "understand" or "comprehend". Savvy?

3. It bugs me at times, but I usually ignore it. :P

4. I've seen just about every single one.

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1. Uh...what's that last word, is that a prefix, or just a word word?

Um..."you have interpreted me erringly."


.....yeah, you know I don't know.

3. Fine. It likes to wink at me, what's kind of scares me, but its probably just a twitch.

4. This


one. :)

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1. How would you translate, "you haven't misinterpreted me not unerringly"?

To what language would you like it traslated to?

2. What's "savvy" mean? (Yes, I'm serious here!)


3. How do you feel about the ;) emoticon?


4. Which BZP emoticon have you never seen used once?


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1. How would you translate, "you haven't misinterpreted me not unerringly"?




2. What's "savvy" mean? (Yes, I'm serious here!)


I think it means something like "you understand?". :pirate:


3. How do you feel about the ;) emoticon?




4. Which BZP emoticon have you never seen used once?


:baaa: :lovesign:

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1. How would you translate, "you haven't misinterpreted me not unerringly"?
You heard me right.


2. What's "savvy" mean? (Yes, I'm serious here!)
It means "understand" (as in "Or else, savvy?") and it means "very good with" (as in "tech savvy").


3. How do you feel about the ;) emoticon?


4. Which BZP emoticon have you never seen used once?
None, I've seen them all used either more than once or never.
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1. What you say?

2. It means understands. Thank you, Jack Sparrow!

3. It can kinda be smarmy, but not as smarmy as if you write something really nasty and put a smiling emoticon at the end.

4. The pirate hat and that stupid "B)" emoticon.

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1. How would you translate, "you haven't misinterpreted me not unerringly"?You interpreted me without error

2. What's "savvy" mean? (Yes, I'm serious here!)Got it?

3. How do you feel about the emoticon?I know something you dom't :P

4. Which BZP emoticon have you never seen used once? I've seen them all in a conversation with Exo

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1: You understood me right.

2:–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 1. to know; understand.

–noun 2. Also, sav·vi·ness. practical understanding; shrewdness or intelligence; common sense: a candidate who seemed to have no political savvy.

–adjective 3. shrewdly informed; experienced and well-informed; canny.

3: I use it as a wink.

4: well, there are so many I'm not even gonna try listing them all, but a few are the Tahnok hand and the Ruru, and a few other masks...



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4) :smilebahrag2: I mean, when does that ever come up in conversation?


Do you have any :smilebahrag1: or :smilebahrag2: ?
^^ Right there.


And how do you suggest KIE's gonna see a PM conversation of yours?

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1. I'd cancel all the double negatives (since they cancel each other out already) and then wonder why anyone would use a double negative ...

2. I would think it would come from the French savoir, meaning "to know".

3. It is a wink. It is an emoticon. It is a winking emoticon.

4. Hm ... the one with the afro ... actually there are several, but that's because I don't explore BZP much. Stick to my guns, y'know.

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