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Bionicle: Year One - Powers



Here is the entry for mask, elemental, and special powers that will be seen throughout the game.

GREAT MASKSHau (shielding)

Creates impenetrable force field around player. Can be used for 30 seconds in level.

Kaukau (waterbreathing)

Gives the user the ability to breath underwater. Can be used for up to two minutes before user automatically surfaces.

Miru (levitation)

This power cannot be accessed from the ground and must be used at the apex of a jump. User goes into flight mode and can use the directional controls to glide on the air for up to 30 seconds at a time.

Pakari (strength)

Gives user the ability to crush objects that would normally impede progress. Can be used for 30 seconds in level.

Kakama (speed)

Speeds up user to three times normal speed. Can be used for 30 seconds in level.

Akaku (x-ray vision)

Uncovers hidden objects so they are in plain sight. No time limit.



Huna (invisibility)

Gives user invisibility. If Rahi encounter user, invisibility stops and cannot be accessed for two minutes. Can be used for 30 seconds in level.

Rau (translation)

Translates Matoran runes into language of your choice. No time limit.

Mahiki (illusion)

Gives user power to conjure an illusion of multiple versions of themselves. Each doppelgänger has one HP and attack with only a basic attack. Requires concentration but not as much as the Komau or Matatu; a user can still attack but is slower.

Ruru (night vision)

Still open to suggestions.

Komau (mind control)

Temporarily controls Rahi of choice. If hit while using, user cannot access it for two minutes. Cannot do anything else while using. Can be used for one minute in level. Controlled characters must be in sight.

Matatu (telekinesis)

Gives user the ability to lift objects with mouse and drag them around. Like the Komau, user cannot do anything else while using power. If hit while using, user cannot access it for two minutes. No time limit. if user tries to use mask on friendly characters, said character does something silly.



Basic Attack

Throws balls of Toa's element at whatever is in the middle-screen crosshairs.

Super Attack

Throws stream of Toa's element at whatever is in the middle-screen crosshairs.

Physical Attack

Toa attacks with punches and/or kicks at whatever is in the middle-screen crosshairs. Only for Pohatu, Onua, and Gali.

Secondary Attack

Toa attacks with another power that he/she has as part of his/her elemental powers. Example:

  • FIRE: Extreme heat
  • WATER: Moisture
  • AIR: Vacuum
  • EARTH: Earthquake
  • STONE: Avalanche
  • ICE: Extreme cold
Each of these can be used only once.



Listed elsewhere


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...But won't Gali and Onua be able to attack with their Hooks or Claws, too? :/


Yes, but that´s basically the same as hitting and punching. Anyway, there´s no difference whatsoever in the gameplay- it´s merely a matter of the animations used when the player uses a melee attack. ;)


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I think a good idea is to make the Great Kanohi required to complete the game, as such:

Hau: There are certain points in the game where you cannot avoid getting damaged, the only way to get past is using your Hau.

Kaukau: There are places one can only get to via underwater tunnels, or objects needed to continue (ie: a key) underwater.

Kakama: There are points in the game such as a swinging axe mechanic, or the Kane-Ra type thing from BIONICLE: The Game (I wonder how many people remember what I mean) where you cannot get past without using the Kakama.

Pakari: Some obstacles, such as rocks or fallen trees, can only be crushed by a Pakari wearer.

Akaku: You need to find something (ie: a key again) but it is hidden, use the Akaku to find it.

Miru: Kinda obvious, there are gaps in the path which you cannot traverse without the flight of your Miru.


Because these would be so vital for gameplay, the time limits should be taken off, but they can only be used situationally.


And the Noble are more vanity items, not vital to the completion of the game, and much better hidden, but they help the player get maximum points/items an can prove helpful in combat.

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i think all charectors should have melee attacks and also please just consider the following i know alot of it would be very difficult but none the less i think they are worth it.



he can jump once then fly for certain amount of time ( a bar showing how much )

while flying he can navigate using arrow keys and constantly going forward and can use a "tackle" when landing on an enemy by pressing the melee attack button


for elemental attack use mouse to control "wind" an be able to knock enemies over and lift them to throw and such


for his super attack lift all enemies then smash them to ground


secondary attack you should be able to draw a bubble with mouse around whatever you want creating vacuum ( then wichever part you vaccumed is temporarily immobile( can't move like if you do a hand it's stuck at that height and lat/longitude for a period of time )



3 different types

type 1: uses weapon (axe)

type 2: kicks

type 3: punches

and all 3 can be done after each other for 3 hit combos ex:weapon,punch,weapon or punch,kick, weapon


i think ill only comment fully on lewa but please use this melee type and allow wall jumps for all

charectors. and also by pressing a directional key twice user should roll in direction pressed


also the pakari shouldn't be only accessable for 30 sec but have a bar limit that can be regained by defeating enemies and the same with the rest other than gali and with kakama you can press the button that allows mask power to run faster jump further and melee quicker along with being able to run on water for short periods ( think about using this on levels near water to allow for mabye reaching unlockables and such.)

use akaku for searching finding weak spots on bosses and showing the direction to go as well as useful objects

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Should Ruru be lighting up dark areas?

What he said on the Ruru. It could work like it did in LoMN, creating a light in front of the user. As for the Kaukau, I think it would be better to give it an unlimited use. This way, you could have a whole,(or most of), some levels underwater, and would allow people to explore underwater more.


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I've got some ideas:


Attacks: The secondary attacks sounds more like "super attacks", while the super attacks is more similar to "charged attacks"


Masks: I think Rau should be more of a mix of Mahiki and Komau: You communicate with a nearby rahi that becomes an ally (like with Komau) that is AI controlled (like the doppelganger you get from Mahiki). It has one to three HPs depending on how strong the rahi is. Your attacks will become slower (like with Mahiki) until the rahi dies or your concentration is broken (you get hit by another rahi). If you stick with your current suggestion, I could provide with a Norwegian translation, if you'd like.

As for Ruru: It should give off a lightbeam like in Legends of Metru Nui, so you can see the area it points to clearer in the dark.

One thing they all should have in common: if you switch mask while using a mask power, the power you are using will stop working. E.G. you're using Komau to control a rahi and then switch to Pakari, the rahi is no longer under your control and soon attacks you.


I hope this will be helpful. - dann494

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