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Bionicle: Year One - Powers



Here is the entry for mask, elemental, and special powers that will be seen throughout the game.

GREAT MASKSHau (shielding)

Creates impenetrable force field around player. Can be used for 30 seconds in level.

Kaukau (waterbreathing)

Gives the user the ability to breath underwater. Can be used for up to two minutes before user automatically surfaces.

Miru (levitation)

This power cannot be accessed from the ground and must be used at the apex of a jump. User goes into flight mode and can use the directional controls to glide on the air for up to 30 seconds at a time.

Pakari (strength)

Gives user the ability to crush objects that would normally impede progress. Can be used for 30 seconds in level.

Kakama (speed)

Speeds up user to three times normal speed. Can be used for 30 seconds in level.

Akaku (x-ray vision)

Uncovers hidden objects so they are in plain sight. No time limit.



Huna (invisibility)

Gives user invisibility. If Rahi encounter user, invisibility stops and cannot be accessed for two minutes. Can be used for 30 seconds in level.

Rau (translation)

Translates Matoran runes into language of your choice. No time limit.

Mahiki (illusion)

Gives user power to conjure an illusion of multiple versions of themselves. Each doppelgänger has one HP and attack with only a basic attack. Requires concentration but not as much as the Komau or Matatu; a user can still attack but is slower.

Ruru (night vision)

Still open to suggestions.

Komau (mind control)

Temporarily controls Rahi of choice. If hit while using, user cannot access it for two minutes. Cannot do anything else while using. Can be used for one minute in level. Controlled characters must be in sight.

Matatu (telekinesis)

Gives user the ability to lift objects with mouse and drag them around. Like the Komau, user cannot do anything else while using power. If hit while using, user cannot access it for two minutes. No time limit. if user tries to use mask on friendly characters, said character does something silly.



Basic Attack

Throws balls of Toa's element at whatever is in the middle-screen crosshairs.

Super Attack

Throws stream of Toa's element at whatever is in the middle-screen crosshairs.

Physical Attack

Toa attacks with punches and/or kicks at whatever is in the middle-screen crosshairs. Only for Pohatu, Onua, and Gali.

Secondary Attack

Toa attacks with another power that he/she has as part of his/her elemental powers. Example:

  • FIRE: Extreme heat
  • WATER: Moisture
  • AIR: Vacuum
  • EARTH: Earthquake
  • STONE: Avalanche
  • ICE: Extreme cold
Each of these can be used only once.



Listed elsewhere


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Very good. Still a bit doubtful about the Huna, though, but I don´t see any better alternatives. =\


And weren´t we planning for the Mahiki to make a temporary doppelgänger? I personally liked that idea better.


That, and all the toa won´t be using punches/kicks. Tahu, Kopaka and Lewa are armed with good weapons to avoid that.


And the elemental powers seem too powerful; all the elemental powers you´ve given them are attack-based. What about letting their 'secondary attack' be something that´s helpful to gather masks? Like 'Walk on Lava' or 'Triple-jump'?


But this is a very nice overview of the situation. I think we´ve got it all quite well, don´t you? :)


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It would be neat if you could have a more open-style gameplay, where you can explore seamlessly all over Mata Nui, and the masks are used to get to places usually unreachable for character specific storylines. For example, to get to the Onua vs Lewa level, you must use a Pakari to remove a large rock blocking a cave entrance. Before that level is finished, only Onua has access to a Pakari, so only he can get do the level. Afterwords, "freeplay" of the level can be accessed from other Toa once they've found their Pakaris.


To switch from one Toa to another for the next mission, you need to find them in their Koro and switch to them LEGO Star Wars style. When not being controlled, Toa wonder back to their Koro and help Matoran.


Level accessing masks would include:


Pakari - Move heavy objects away from the path

Kaukau - Swim through an underwater tunnel that's longer than Toa usually have air for

Hau - Walk through a lava waterfall

Miru - Glide across a chasm to reach a ledge on the other side

Kakama - Run sonic style along special walls to pass an obstacle (unbeatable rahi, cliff, other hazards)

Huna - Sneak past an unbeatable Rahi

Ruru - Go through a pitch black cave with randomly moving obstacles


My other suggestions for powers are:


Akaku - Lights up special objects/enemies behind walls, in a light blue version of Resistance's Auger weapon.

Pakari - Can pick up most enemies and throw them.

Huna - Rahi don't see you. It only lasts 30 seconds though, so it can't be used to avoid the entire level.

Rau - Replaces all Matoran script seen in-game with English text. Aside from text actually relevant to the story, text readable would include hints to help in the level, as well as hints towards bonus areas, and just plain nonsense/lolness (like the Ko-Koro wall). Because it's a redundant mask, all 6 six versions would be found pretty early in the game.

Mahiki - Creates X number of player-clones, that follow you around and fight too, only their attacks do nothing but distract, they have 1hp, and they all disappear if the player gets it. Illusions will also play tricks on nearby Matoran when idle.

Ruru - Rather than having dark areas dark, make a darkness fog, that removes visibility to only a very small distance, depending on how dark it is. The Ruru removes this fog. Otherwise the Ruru could be simulated by fiddling with the monitor. :P

Komau - pretty much what you said, only different Rahi have cool powers to try out, and a controlled Rahi must remain in the player's line of sight. Generic Matoran can also be controlled, but not story-specific NPCs

Matatu - I'm not sure if your control system will be using the mouse for something else, but it would be neat to pick up and drag on object with the mouse, while still using normal controls to move the player.

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While I love the freeplay idea and am a big fan of the LSW series, I don't see it fitting in a more canon game. What's the point of playing the Onua Vs. Lewa battle if you can play as Lewa yourself?


Mahiki sounds good, I forgot about the doppelgängers. Thanks for reminding me. :)


Pakari seems a bit too powerful.


I dunno about the Ruru. It seems to be more trouble than it's worth.


The Rau, as mentioned, can translate text into different languages other than English, for the lulz. :P

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While I love the freeplay idea and am a big fan of the LSW series, I don't see it fitting in a more canon game. What's the point of playing the Onua Vs. Lewa battle if you can play as Lewa yourself?


Mahiki sounds good, I forgot about the doppelgängers. Thanks for reminding me. :)


Pakari seems a bit too powerful.


I dunno about the Ruru. It seems to be more trouble than it's worth.


The Rau, as mentioned, can translate text into different languages other than English, for the lulz. :P

I suppose then that freeplay reruns of levels would have substituted enemies where appropriate. In the case of Onua vs. Lewa, there would just be a Toa-like infected Rahi, with similar air-based powers. Likewise for story levels where the objective is to get a mask, returning there you will just find some Matoran relic, which can be sold for widgets (if there's a cash-based system).


A Pakari throw wouldn't kill an enemy, just deal some damage to it and whoever it hits. It also wouldn't work on most bosses.


I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be too hard to create a shrouding graphic around the player whenever they're underground, and program the Ruru script to remove it.

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I´d go for Brickthing´s idea with the Ruru. ^_^



I don´t like the freeplay-thing, though. It´s lovely, and has helped many games to become more awesome.

Not this one, though. It´ll hinder the games canon-ness... and another thing: The character-switching thing is good in LSW, because in levels your characters follow you, and in the menu everyone are squeezed together in a small area (Say, Mos Esley). That way, there´s always somebody nearby you can switch to.

That won´t work when there´s only six characters, and a whole island to play on. And obviously, we can´t have all the toa following you around whatever you do.


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For the Pakari Power, It's like Colossus in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Basically, Each toa can grab and slash, freeze, burn, etc an enemy. While their using a pakari though, they just pick the rahi up and swing normally. it increases damage, but they can't use elemental attacks.

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For the Pakari Power, It's like Colossus in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Basically, Each toa can grab and slash, freeze, burn, etc an enemy. While their using a pakari though, they just pick the rahi up and swing normally. it increases damage, but they can't use elemental attacks.


Don´t we already have a perfectly usable power for the Pakari?


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For the Ruru, how about in some places there are tunnels. Anyone can go down them but there are some extra tunnels coming off the main ones which are pitch black and you can only enter with a Ruru.

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Great ideas! However, I'd find it a bit tedious having to wait 2 minutes to use the masks again after being hit - just a few seconds will do, like..
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If the wait time was too short you could abuse the same power over and over for a level, and that's not very fair, is it?

How 'bout using a mana system then named "concentration" or "focus". Practice with masks would increase that skill, and Rahi attacks would reduce your health and focus, making it harder to use powers. Confusion would be akin to 0 focus.

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Anyway, I've considered the Ruru power, and I thought we could put the screen into an 'NV goggles' type filter, green and all - something like Onua's promo video.
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I can see Tahu, Kopaca, & Lewa don't have Physical Attack like the other three do, but shouldn't they have something like a Melee Attack, like quick strikes?

- RC Niner


The reason is that Tahu, Kopaka and Lewa won´t need to attack with punches and kicks. They will use their swords/axe, but the effect will be equal.


...I presume? =)


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