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Prepare For Fullmetal Trouble

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


James = Edward Elric.


So obviously, Winry = Jessie.


And Alphonse = Wobbuffet.


But Meowth... no idea. ;.;





Yaaay, two obsessions in one!




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Iiiiiiiinteresting. What if Meowth was the old grannie lady mechanic Winry is usually with? I can’t think of her name…


Orrrr maybe the uh girl Winry is friends with? The one with glasses that is always carrying books around and reading things?


You could make Meowth Mustang… both start with an M and they’re both male. Although… Meowth isn’t a fire type, it would be hilarious to see him wearing gloves and snapping his fingers for fire. ;P


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:kaukau:OK, I get it now. Alphonse looks kind of familiar. I might have seen a picture somewhere. Anyways, having seen the chibi form, this makes a whole lot more sense.


I may begin laughing now.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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