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Vahki Recruiting Station











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This is so ironic. Noob wanting to get rid of noobs. :P


srsrly tho, you guys are nuts and I want nothing to do with you, in fact I'm thinking of starting something to counter you.
Brickeens already did.
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can someone tell me what all this is about and why this group even exists

Well, here's the story in a nutshell: A long time ago, a member named Terrak got the idea to create a group of members that would volunteer to help clean up spam. Of course, "The Volunteer Spam Reporting Squad" sounds kind of boring, so he got creative. After all, Vahki were the law enforcers in Metru Nui, correct? So what better name for a group of volunteers devoted to reporting spam to the moderaters? Remembering the 01/04/2004 joke, they joked about freeing Dume/ruling the site every now and then. However, one member, Maryland Terps, took it serously and made an anti-Vahki legion. The Vahki took it as a threat to a purer, cleaner BZPower and responded. Soon it sparked into a flamewar and the Vahki disbanded, scattering. The bases were destroyed. However, Krana Kongu has restarted the legion.....


So, to everyone who opposes us: Is there something wrong with a group of members that go around reporting spam to the moderaters?


Oh and KK, I know the High Vahki are our allies, after all, I am one. The only one that has not changed his name, in fact. I was talking about a Skadki legion that I found. Here is there base.




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So, to everyone who opposes us: Is there something wrong with a group of members that go around reporting spam to the moderaters?




Yes. Because it is the role of all members to report spam when they see it.


As for me, I shall never join. I am a Zehvor through and through, and the leader of the non-existent TMangai.




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can someone tell me what all this is about and why this group even exists

Well, here's the story in a nutshell: A long time ago, a member named Terrak got the idea to create a group of members that would volunteer to help clean up spam. Of course, "The Volunteer Spam Reporting Squad" sounds kind of boring, so he got creative. After all, Vahki were the law enforcers in Metru Nui, correct? So what better name for a group of volunteers devoted to reporting spam to the moderaters? Remembering the 01/04/2004 joke, they joked about freeing Dume/ruling the site every now and then. However, one member, Maryland Terps, took it serously and made an anti-Vahki legion. The Vahki took it as a threat to a purer, cleaner BZPower and responded. Soon it sparked into a flamewar and the Vahki disbanded, scattering. The bases were destroyed. However, Krana Kongu has restarted the legion.....


So, to everyone who opposes us: Is there something wrong with a group of members that go around reporting spam to the moderaters?


Oh and KK, I know the High Vahki are our allies, after all, I am one. The only one that has not changed his name, in fact. I was talking about a Skadki legion that I found. Here is there base.





You forgot me, good ol' Mesonak, the Super-Secret spy who got everyone onto our side, in the end. :3


Except for MT.


Ironically, I'm on his side now.


Best of luck, however. Keep doing this. If you do something good, I'll laugh and applaud you. If you annoy MT beyond comprehension, I'll laugh and applaud you. If you cause a flame-war, I'll laugh and applaud you. If you get banned, I'll laugh and applaud you.







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Boo the Vahkis! :P, I never really paid any attention to this group, so I left them alone, but now it seams like they are coming back, stop them we must...


Or else.


Kazi out. ooh ooh! I wanna be with MT, I wanna be an enemy of the state! Just call me, Kazi Toa of ice, or Kpik. Your call.

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I believe I would make a more clear persective of happenings from another perspective, and not that of a curent Vahki:


I have no idea why they were made. However, when the Vahki were made, a number of events occured. The first was a handful of about two members spamming up the Vahki site as a retaliation of taking it to far about the "taking over BZPower" idea that was spread about (I still laugh at the banner of one matoran shooting about fifty Vahki to death on it).


My... good friend (not)... and fellow Zehvor, TarakavaArbiter (or "Jun" as he is now) decided to make himself known, and called upon the leader of the Zehvor group, MT, to help. We had just gotten through with a disagreement with another fad that had turned from a silly, newbie joke from my newb days into a huge epic flame war with another, earlier fad. That, quite frankly, was much less newbie then this one here.


Eventually, the Vahki ended up at a full flame war with the Zehvor. Mesonak, known at that time as MesonakLordofShadow (I think, who knows with his 666 names), who had become a Vahki member, and had joined BZPower a few weeks or months (can't 'member) before the fad. He ended up sending a very nasty PM to me, and then I sent a calm response letter, then he calmy responded, and we got to be nicer, and now all of us our big friends.


The Vahki eventually crashed and died and vanished across the wind. However, a small pocket survived under the form of the member known as Tenebrae Invictus, or Mangekyou Itachi. I call him Mange. In any case, this small pocket has been hiding and is known to pretty much no one but its members. Quite frankly, I only know that he is the leader. Nothing more.


The Vahki later came back as the Bohrok, which was dead before it was born. Then, the member named Krana Kongu created a new Vahki, which died very soon in a big burst of flame that was solved as deadly flamer Mesonak became lord of the peacekeepers, and settled everyone down. The Vahki then came back AGAIN, and sent MT a disturbing Comment on his page about parties in his pants....


One the parties were over, we ignored them, and then watched as they tore themselves apart within one or two weeks. They then went on, and eventually came back yet again now under Krana Kongus name assumed during the other rebirths, noob. Noob is exactly what the name says he is, and seeks to kill all others of his species. Even the ones who aren't, just out of spite.


Now, this concludes Levacus' report on the Vahki.


~Electrocuting Vahki Three Times a Week~


-Toa Levacius Zehvor the Vahki Slayer :flagusa:

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Excuse me, Krana Kongu, but what is your curent BZPower face name? Oh yes. It's VERY appropriate for all situations.


Great. And the Great Vahki Battle #4. Or #3. I thinksits #3. Who knows. Only note this one is a battle of 1 noob commander, 1 member with a weird name, and no one at all against everyone on earth.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor the Slayer of Members Named Noob flag_usa.gif


*Salutes* I hate the Vahki, love the sets, but the group, not so much.


*Sigh* GO AWAY!!


I'm one of MT friends, and my banner if currently being changed to MT's.


Toa Zehvor Kpik killer of Vahki, and #2 slayer of everyone named Noob, noob, and newbie, begone, noob.


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I guess I never register on anyone's Threat-Radar, eh? :P

I remember this from its First Cycle or whatever, and I didn't care too much. I stayed out of it, though I heard about it, and whatever happens hopefully won't be as "bad" (was that the word?) as the first time.

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The thing is, there doesn't need to be a special "group" of members to report spam and such; you're encouraged to do so just as a normal member.


There's also the issue of 'acting moderator' that this whole thing brings up.

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Exactly that idea. I don't know if anyone remembers, but I tried to bring up a group with that same purpose once. It was shut down before started, for the exact rule listed above.


The truth of the matter is that you Vahki just don't know when to stop popping back up as little sticks in the ground with your "purposes", when all you do is bring down spam everywhere and flame on you.


Right now you have over 35 posts on YOUR OWN TOPIC that are attacking you. You'd be wise to quite beefore it gets worse.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Fail revival is fail.


And by the way, just to add to Vahki history, when Terakk decided to go Bohrok, I split away and made the Coolbro High Vahki which I stowed away into hiding. So yeah, a bunch of former Vahki guys back from the original fad still remember me as leader. :P


HOWEVER, the High Vahki were never bothered by MT and the rest of the Zehvor. For some reason this band of Vahki flourished in peace and no one came to attack them, because they were all focused on Krana Kongu's. Then because the fad lost activity I put it into "hiding", or basically a hiatus in which I'd eventually make a smaller reincarnation of the fad.


The end.


blargh Addendum: Upon looking back, MT did comment in the blog but nothing important happened.

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