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Who Wants to be a Millionaire Premier Member?


I'm sure many of you have heard of the US game show "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire", where contestants answer multiple-choice questions to see if they can win a million dollars. Well, this is the Bionicle version, and the top prize? A MILLION WIDGETS, which so happens to be equal to the exact value of Lifetime Premier Membership. :happy:


I will be the host of the show, recorded via Skype, a free service. People who have sent me PMs will be sent a 40-question quiz, when they are online. As it will be a combination of how fast you go and how accurate you are, you probably won't benefit from looking up the answers online.


Because it's an online thing, the show's format will be slightly changed, and as such, YOU MUST READ THIS EVEN IF YOU HAVE SEEN THE SHOW. Here are the full rules:

  • I will ask 15 multiple-choice questions of increasing difficulty at the same time as I post them on Skype's chat service for the contestant. These multiple-choice questions will be about 50% Bionicle and 25% LEGO and BZPower. The questions shall have Widget values, abbreviated W.
    • The complete order of Widget values is as follows:
  • 100
  • 200
  • 300
  • 500
  • 1,000
  • 2,000
  • 4,000
  • 8,000
  • 16,000
  • 32,000
  • 64,000
  • 125,000
  • 250,000
  • 500,000
  • 1 million
The bolded Widget values are the values that a contestant, if he/she gets an answer wrong afterwards, will win. For example:
  • If a contestant gets one of the 2,000 - 32,000W questions wrong, he/she will end up with the 1,000W prize, which is 6-month PMship.
  • If a contestant gets one of the 64,000 - 1,000,000W questions wrong, he/she will end up with the 32,000W prize, which is 1-year PMship.
  • If a contestant gets one of the 100 - 1,000W questions wrong, he/she will end up with no prize.
Contestants will be timed in order to prevent the use of online access to obtain the correct answers. I reserve the right to disqualify anyone from the show if I have conclusive evidence that they are cheating in such a way. The amount of time on the clock will vary the more a contestant gets questions right:
  • From 100W to 1,000W, the time will be 15 seconds.
  • From 2,000W - 32,000W, the time will be 30 seconds.
  • From 64,000W to 500,000W, the time will be 45 seconds.
  • For the 1,000,000W question, the time limit will be the sum of all the player's unused time from the previous questions plus 30 seconds.
Contestants have three lifelines to use on the show. They can only be used once per game. They are as follows:
  • 50/50: Two incorrect answers are eliminated, leaving one correct and one incorrect one. The clock is momentarily paused as the two are eliminated.
  • Phone the Expert:: Our expert, which will change depending on their schedules, will be another BZP member. This member will be put in your place for the exact same amount of time as you had for that question, except for the 1,000,000W question, where it will be replaced by the "Switch the Question" lifeline if you have not used "Phone the Expert" yet.
  • Double Dip:: The clock is paused and the contestant gives an answer. If that answer is incorrect, the clock starts back up again, and the contestant may not use another lifeline for that question.
  • Switch the Question (1,000,000W only): If the contestant finds the 1,000,000W question too difficult, he/she can use this lifeline.
If someone says an answer out loud, I will ask "Final Answer?" A contestant may also state their answer, followed by "Final Answer", so it saves my breath :P. Once a player has committed to a final answer, he/she may not change it.


Recommended Comments

May I join?


And can I make an advert for it? :P

Yes, you can join.


And you're free to make an advert, as long as you don't go too fast like you did in the iBZP commercial. :P


@Bricky: That's too bad. Are you not allowed to use it, or is your computer incapable?

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Yes, you will be talking to me via a voice chat. No video, as I'm not allowed to do that. :P


Good, I don't have a webcam. So there's a set time for this, or just when everyone's ready?



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Aww, this is awesome. I can't/don't use Skype, you couldn't just do this over the PM (meaning Private Message, not Premier Member :P) system?
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It's a wee bit complicated, but I will endeavor to explain:


Everyone who has shown interest and can use Skype will be sent the 40-question test. I will not send the test to multiple people at one time, but rather one by one. :)


@Protosteel: A few reasons why I can't but I'd love to:


1. It will be posted. That's the whole point of the recordings.

2. I don't have any way of timing or any way of knowing if anyone cheats if we do it over the PM system. I don't personally think that you would, Protosteel, but if we do it, then others will want to as well and that defeats the purpose.

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It's a wee bit complicated, but I will endeavor to explain:


Everyone who has shown interest and can use Skype will be sent the 40-question test. I will not send the test to multiple people at one time, but rather one by one. :)


Aha. K, thanks.



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Hmm. I don't have Skype, and I have no interest whatsoever in acquiring it. Do you think you can change the idea a little for more flexibility for us Skypeless folks?



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Hmm. I don't have Skype, and I have no interest whatsoever in acquiring it. Do you think you can change the idea a little for more flexibility for us Skypeless folks?



I'll toy with some ideas.

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Are you sure you don't have a built-in one? Almost every computer does, even if said computer does not advertise as having such a feature.
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There is a slight chance I'll have access to Skype. In the event that there is something for Skypeless folks, I'm definitely interested (assuming I can participate). :)



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Are you sure you don't have a built-in one? Almost every computer does, even if said computer does not advertise as having such a feature.

Yeah, I'm certain. No microphone.

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I have a mic, and Skype, though I never managed to figure out how Skype works. That´s on my own computer, though, which is being repaired currently. I expect to be without Mic/Skype for at least one more month. Would I still be able to partipicate?



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I have a mic, and Skype, though I never managed to figure out how Skype works. That´s on my own computer, though, which is being repaired currently. I expect to be without Mic/Skype for at least one more month. Would I still be able to partipicate?



You might be able to participate if it's backed up or on a second show if there is one. :)


Still, it seems to me as if there are more Skypeless folks than not - we'll have to work you in somehow.

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I would, but the time difference between me, and you lot over the atlantic would mean that I'd have to gon on something like 11o'clock, so I can't do this. Good luck to people who do however.


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I don't think so - I'd be willing to get up earlier. What time is it for you right now? It's almost noon for me.
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