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Bzpower Staff, I Implore You...



I'd first like to start out by saying that I may be a bit upset about the recent happenings (losing two proto and my Outstanding member position over a signature...) that have occurred. However, this is in no way written out of bitterness, or rebellion, but in honest concern, and full sincerity.


I was informed about a week ago that my Signature was against the rules, and told to read the Signature guidelines topic. After carefully reading the topic twice, I concluded my signature could not possibly have been against the rules. I responded to the PM sent to me, I admit, in a rather snarky way. After a bit of arguing, I was linked to a topic about someone else's signature. I read through the topic, but hey, the posts there are not in the signature guidelines topic, and I found it quite inconvenient to have to read through the many posts/different opinions etc located in the topic. So I responded back, even more frustrated.


I was so frustrated, that it most definitely showed through to the Staff member on the other side, who also got frustrated and sent the PM conversation to Black Six. Black Six was boiling mad (teehee) and told me to watch my behavior, and that my signature was violating the rules. I responded with something to the effect of, "If it violates the rules, why don't you remove it? Are you that lazy?" (oops, snarky again!) and within seconds it was removed. Funny how that happens, right? Well anywho, I copied my old signature back in there and changed my banner, and forgot to take out the 2nd image that seemed to be causing all the problems. So I took it out, and updated it again, to fix the issue. Little did I know in between updates (or so B6 claims) My signature was removed and 1 proto was taken away from me, along with my Outstanding Member Status. As you can imagine, I was ticked. So I posted an entry here at my blog (just like I always do! (: ) and B6 Posted and Locked my Blog post. Not wanting to reopen the topic, I just decided to respond by editing his post, just to make sure he got the Message. I was sent another PM saying it was disrespectful to edit a staff member's comment (to which I would like to ask where is this stated in the rules, and could I please have a link? I'd like it for future reference.) and another Proto point was removed.


So there's the story. Now, let's move on to the real problem at hand.


Proposition 1 - Members should not be expected to follow rules that are NOT stated in the specific rule topics.

we shouldn't have to dig through old Q&A topics to know the signature guidelines. I suggest updating them. All it takes is a bit of copying/pasting to clarify the already very vague rules. It takes what, 5 seconds? And if you don't update it, don't expect people to follow invisible rules.


Proposition 2 - Tell Members the real Reasoning behind their signature violation.

I was told several times that the reason my signature was violating the rules was because the images together were larger than 250x100. This was not the case. The images were well under 250x100 and this is why I argued my position. It took a few PMs before I was told about this invisible rule.


Proposition 3 - Show us you mean what you say.

It shouldn't have taken me basically TELLING B6 to remove my signature. Give members a warning, and if their signatures are really violating the rules, remove them. otherwise, we won't believe you, stop the idle threats.


I again want to point you to the beginning of this post, know that this is sincerity at it's best. I'm being Honest, and rather nice, I'd much rather be snarkier, believe me!


So Staff members, I implore you to consider what I've said. Please don't be too arrogant to listen. C:





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Well written, even if I had to strain to read it. :P

Thank you, and sorry about the strain...I just...always post in small orange text! (;

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Wait they actually told you to remove your sig before doing so? Wow... mine usually just gets taken away and I have no clue why. ._.

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Wait they actually told you to remove your sig before doing so? Wow... mine usually just gets taken away and I have no clue why. ._.

I wish they would have just removed mine. Would've saved so much trouble. Although, I do hate the sense of never knowing why my signature was removed. -pokes proposition 2-


And, thanks, Xelaot. : D

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Note - I don't want to be punished because I happen to have written my above comment. :)

lol I think you'll hold on to your OBZPC longer than I did. (; Don't sweat it, that staff aren't that mean...i think.

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Note - I don't want to be punished because I happen to have written my above comment. :)

lol I think you'll hold on to your OBZPC longer than I did. (; Don't sweat it, that staff aren't that mean...i think.

LOL, I didn't think they were bad, I just wanted to protect myself if this escalates.

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You did skip over the part where you insulted and disrespected me, don't forget that.


Proposition 1 - As I told you, we are aware that there are aspects of the rules that are unclear and are working toward resolving it. In an effort to make it easier for the foreseeable future we are spending a little more time in the present to plan. Measure twice, cut once.


Proposition 2 - Gatanui did tell you the reason, a number of times. It is not his fault that you misinterpreted the rules.


Proposition 3 - It was obvious that you were no clear about the rules, so I was being nice and giving you a chance to fix it instead of removing it. You chose to ignore that chance.


In the future, maybe you should listen to the staff instead of telling us we're wrong.


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