Toa Manu

Went back and revisited my old Manu character. It was brought to my attention that I really didn't know anything at all about her, so I went and fixed that.
If I recall, I tried once before to evolve her into a Toa (I believe it was for the contest that produced Krakua) but I was never really happy with the way it turned out, so I pretty much abandoned it. Not sure I like the color scheme, I think a different shade of blue might be better, but I need to stop working on this. I'll probably revisit it eventually.
In case anyone is interested, here's the full version of her backstory (which I may or may not revise):
Manu was originally a Ce-Matoran who joined the Nynrah Ghosts as an elite crafter. When she put her mind to it, she was able to create masks, weapons, and other items with great skill. However, she often became distracted, resulting in sub-par products. She spent a great deal of her time redoing things she botched because of this.
While Nynrah ghosts are notoriously reclusive, Manu was more solitary than most, claiming that her distractibility increased with proximity to other Matoran. Indeed, this did seem to be a fairly accurate assessment, and so she was left to herself much of the time.
Sometime after the theft of the Nynrah Zamor Launchers, she was put to work on repairing the Toa Tool of a novice Toa, who had accidentally imbued it with a minute amount of Toa Power, and then proceeded to break it. Unfortunately Manu stopped paying attention while she was working on it, and damaged it still further, activating the Toa Power within and causing her to transform into a Toa.
Not terribly pleased, she finished repairing the weapon, and considered possible courses of action. Eventually, she decided she probably ought to leave the village, since Toa attract trouble and the rest of the villagers would be happier if they were left alone. Leaving the repaired weapon, and taking some portable crafting tools, she relocated herself elsewhere on Nynrah - close enough to keep an eye on her former partners, but far enough that she felt they could avoid any trouble she caused.
It took the rest of the Ghosts three days to notice she was gone.
Setting up shop in her new hiding place, Manu spent more time thinking about what had happened. As a Toa of Psionics, a great Matatu was not going to give her much of an advantage, so after some consideration she crafted herself three masks that she thought would be useful, as well as a Toa Tool. She took a liking to the Mask of Magnetism, and began wearing it, though she still didn't know how to use it.
It took Manu quite a long time to learn how to effectively use her powers and her masks, but she is much more competent with them now than she was originally.
If anyone actually read any of that, I'll be impressed. Lol.
Oh, and I doubt anyone will remember this, but I thought I'd upload my old edit of Manu's Matoran form, from waaaay back in the days when I had nothing but MS Paint. Seriously, this thing is ancient.

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