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Thank You, Mom



*mom calls me on the phone, and we're talking about things going on back home*


Mom: So, how are classes going?


Me: Well, um, not as good as they could be...


Mom: :angry:


Mom: :angry:


Mom: :burnmad:


Mom: WHAT?!?!


Thanks for caring and not even letting me talk more about it, Mom. Thanks a LOT. I love you and all, but wow, if I'd actually told you really how I'm feeling right now and how things are going for me, I'm sure that no matter what I say or how true it is, I wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise based on that reaction.


I am feeling terrible and fearing one of my classes tomorrow and the potential results from it.


(and 146 days until BrickFair)


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I love you, you awesome person, you. You'll succeed cuz I know you will and cuz I believe in you. You're my friend, and my friends don't fail.


*insert biggest dang hug givable over Internets*



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I love you, you awesome person, you. You'll succeed cuz I know you will and cuz I believe in you. You're my friend, and my friends don't fail.


*insert biggest dang hug givable over Internets*



*copies EW*



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