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Project Nuva :: Akaku Phantoka

ToM Dracone


As promised!




Started out as a doodle in Astronomy class, imagining the Akaku with a visor. I liked the idea, and I've never liked the real Akaku Phantoka (though it -would- be acceptable if it only had the scope on the right side), so I decided to go with the concept and translate the rounded, organic features of the Akaku Nuva into the more angular, geometric style of the more recent masks. I kept a few features of the real Akaku Phantoka – namely the lens and bits of the mouth area – and the final thing will still have a lightsaber blade in the lens, only aquamarine instead of red.


And I'm quite pleased with the result. What do you think?

~ ToM


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Maybe it's just the angle, but the mask looks too curved at the bottom, looking more like a Pakari Nuva than an Akaku Nuva.


And as neat as it looks, I don't think a visor matches Kopaka, because he's not the wide-open-eye kind of guy.


Regardless, the mask looks a lot better than the actual set mask, especially since the scope is on the right eye. :wub:

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Maybe it's just the angle, but the mask looks too curved at the bottom, looking more like a Pakari Nuva than an Akaku Nuva.


And as neat as it looks, I don't think a visor matches Kopaka, because he's not the wide-open-eye kind of guy.


Regardless, the mask looks a lot better than the actual set mask, especially since the scope is on the right eye. :wub:

True, that part doesn't match the Akaku Nuva, but I feel it works with the rest of the mask's shape, overall. As for the visor, it's not about which Toa would or wouldn't be a wide-open-eye guy/girl, it's more about the fact that if you're flying around in combat, you really need to be able to see what's going on around you. Hence, a wide hole for the visor.


But thanks!


And people are calling dibs on getting to snuggle me now? Why was I not aware of this?

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Yannick, I am snuggling you


Yannick, I am snuggling you

But I thought I got to be the one snuggling Yannick?


I'm sure there's enough of him for you both to snuggle. :P


Anyway, mask is Win. I actually really like the Phantoka Akaku (moreso than the Nuva Akaku actually!), so I'm glad you chose to keep a lot of those elements.

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I don't actually like this. ;_; I don't like the lens, and I think in general it looks too angular. The Akaku will always be round to me.



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