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The Empire: Opening Titles

Lewa Krom


First off, how the titles will look, what they'll say, etc. is NOT what this is for. Will working on lengthening The Empire, I realized we didn't really have a set way to begin. So I've come up with a few possibilities. Anyone else can add on:


1. Viewing various dimensions as Takanuva travels through dimensional gateway. Pros: Keeps things interesting. Scenes from the various dimensions could double as settings for various locations later on. Cons: Would take time to model each dimension.

2. A simple dimensional gateway. Pros: Simple to model/animate. Cons: Rather plain.

3. A black screen. Pros: Beyond simple :P. Cons: Very simple. Would need very exciting music

4. Pan Metru Nui and then show a dimensional gateway open with Takanuva falling out. Pros: Gives good view of what Metru Nui would look like. Could be very nice. Cons: Doesn't give a feeling of a long journey before reaching Metru Nui that footage of a dimensional gateway would.


Opinions? Anyone who wants to contribute an idea, feel free.


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I was thinking it would start black with the title, then show Takanuva flying through trippy looking backgrounds, and show some credits during the first scene. (Talking to Kapura)

So no other dimensions visible, kinda like the opening to Dr. Who.



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I've had this sequence of images in my head since listening to Nusua's The Empire theme.


Starts out as black, as the music is starting up, and you see the words (not necessarily both like that, could be just one, whichever we pick).


Red Star Studios/Bionicle: Next Generation



Until about 10 seconds in. They fade and you see the words




Until the higher strings break in at about 17 seconds. At this point the background is becoming grayer, more foggy, and as the fog rolls away to reveal a skyline shot of Metru Nui, the title fades into view at about 26 seconds.


The Empire

based on Greg Farshtey's Dark Mirror

It'll have faded by 35/36 seconds, and at that point we cut to Taka flying between dimensions. Maybe a couple of nice shots of things glimpsed through the fabric of the portal space, like a solar system or something spiffy like that. We'll want to cut back to Metru Nui when it gets to the gentler strings section, do a nice flyover shot, so it seems all tranquil and like a place you'd want to visit. Then as the music becomes harsher (at around 1:00), maybe zoom in closer for a view of the streets, and at this point we might do some credits... you know, the kind where they cut to a scene of the character doing something and freeze the frame to say so-and-so... as what's-his-face, and then cut to the next character. Could probably do a couple of the Toa, or Tuyet maybe (though idk if we'd want to introduce her so early on), since we'd probably want to be doing more important characters in this spot. Could maybe fit... five or so people, unless I'm underestimating the time needed for that kind of shot.


Probably right as the music ends we'd cut to a scene of Taka coming through the portal and landing hard. That's when you'd do his credits. And then onto the first scene, etc.


That's just what I've seen it as though.

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Have you seen the whirlpool animation on WMM? I thought we could have one big whirlpool whirling the titles up and out, and ending with it whirling out Taka.

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