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3/12/10 Story Fit Special

Lazzy the Spazzy


3/12/10 Story Fit Special

For an explanation of what the Story Fit is, please go here.

Each week I'll post an exercise. This is the entry for the exercise of the "week" of March 12 - March 23.

The Task

Story Fit has now hit the two-month (plus two days) mark, and what with the promise of more active SFers and a minor addition to the system, this is the perfect time to go back and redo any of the exercises you missed!

That's right, that's all there is to this exercise. You have eleven days (not counting today) plus a week after that to go back and catch up on the exercises you wanted to do. To make this easier on you I have listed the seven previous exercises below. You may click on the links for a more thorough description of the exercises.

Week 1: Write a story inspired by the word "Transformation".
Week 2: Incorporate a conflict into your story.
Week 3: Incorporate a monologue into your story but make it interesting.
Week 4: Think of the activity you do to dispel Writer's Block then incorporate that activity into your story.
Week 5: Include a celebration into your story.
Week 6: Six six-centric tasks to choose from.
Week 7: Write a story with the protagonist as a person/type of person you hate most.


Once you write your story, post here with a link to it. Extra points will also be awarded to those members who review other Story Fit members' stories. This will not only give you practice with writing but also reviewing, as well as promote an exchange of ideas and styles within the BZP Writers Community. Happy writing!

Writer of the Week

Each week we vote for the Writer of the Week, based on the popularity of the stories submitted during that week. Whoever gets the most votes wins the award. Without further ado, I present this week's Writer of the Week:

Grant-Sud, for his six-centric story Sight!

Each week we vote for the Writer of the Week, based on the popularity of the stories submitted during that week.
Below is a list of stories that have been submitted within the past week. Look over them, read through them if you want, then vote for your favorite story (send a PM with your vote to me). At the end of this week, I will count up the votes and give the Writer of the Week award [of 3/3/10 - 3/12/10] to the writer who gets the most votes.

Last Week's Stories

1) Crimson Crown by Akai Hana no Tenshi
2) Ignoble Hero by MechaFizz

Vote away!


Now for the changes:

- There is now a two week deadline. You have two weeks to complete a task, or one week after the next task starts (for example, 18 days for this task, 14 days for normal tasks). Full-time SFers are required to complete the exercises.
- What if you don't have time? Don't worry, sign yourself up as a Part-Time SFer or SFer On Leave: I will be giving further instructions in the PM I am sending out shortly.
- Take a look at the Story Fit Point Tracking Box...I've added some decorations.


Recommended Comments

I'm starting now.


Edit: It's going in the first chapter of my epic, if you don't mind :)

Monolouge and friendly conflict=awesomeness.

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Darn it, I'm weaker than weak. =P


But I shall be writing two stories soon, of which will probably cover all but two of the past exercises.


Oh, I'm advertising Story Fit in my sig and a while back I posted in my blog about it, if those count for anything. I guess I forgot to post here when I did.


[Oh, and that story that I was supposed to have yesterday will come soon; it's pretty much finished but there's just one thing I gotta do first with it]


~ Velox

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What the :???:

My SS isn’t titled “Ignoble Head”, it’s titled “Ignoble Hero” – as in, what a Toa is! As the chairman of Story Fit, you’re not allowed to make typos :P


As for the exercise, maybe I’ll write something, maybe not. :rolleyes: Going back and trying one of the ones I missed might be fun, though. Maybe combining several into one story. :P


Just one question, what do you do to a full-time SFer that misses an exercise? :fear:



- MechaFizz

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Just curious, would this story count for the celebration exercise? I did mention a small celebration, after all. =P


It does count for the writer's block one, though, right?


Anyway, I'm not "officially" entering this yet, 'cause I'll be posting it in COT some time soon, but I just wanted to know if it counted or not for those two.


It was gonna be under 600 words, too, but unfortunately it fell barely above that [like 640 or something]. Ah well.


Oh, and I'll be a part-time SFer, most-likely.



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Oops, sorry about that MechaFizz. ^^; Fixed.


V, it doesn't count for the celebration (since the celebration has to play a somewhat-significant role; setting, plot, etc.), but it does count for the Writer's Block one.


Can't wait for the full story. ^^

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1. Hey, thanks a lot for posting this! I'll be back in the game ASAP, and as soon as I'm done posting I'll get to reviewing stories.


2. If anyone has any requests for a review for any (active) stories they posted here, please let me know and I'll get to it ASAP. I need the encouragement, I haven't reviewed in a while. :D


3. Hey, I'm the only one who's remotely fit! 'Cept for Akai, but he's like those freakishly bulky dudes at the gym. :P

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1. Hey, thanks a lot for posting this! I'll be back in the game ASAP, and as soon as I'm done posting I'll get to reviewing stories.


2. If anyone has any requests for a review for any (active) stories they posted here, please let me know and I'll get to it ASAP. I need the encouragement, I haven't reviewed in a while. :D


3. Hey, I'm the only one who's remotely fit! 'Cept for Akai, but he's like those freakishly bulky ***** at the gym. :P


3. *kicks you in the crotch twice* One's for using that evil word, the other for calling my bulky....:P


and I'll have fun with this....teehee!

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Oops, sorry about that MechaFizz. ^^; Fixed.

Thanks. ^_^


Also, now that I actually gave a good look at the scoreboard (:P), how exactly does the scoring system work? My apologies if this was explained before and I missed it. If that’s the case, you may just point me back there. :)



- MechaFizz

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Also, now that I actually gave a good look at the scoreboard ( :P ), how exactly does the scoring system work? My apologies if this was explained before and I missed it. If that's the case, you may just point me back there. :)



- MechaFizz

Stories are scored out of 5 points total based on how well you matched that week's theme. An extra point is added for advertisement of the Story Fit in your topic or your sig. Reviews of other SF stories are scored out of 3 points.


I saw the first time; there's no need to post twice.

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Holy Pit, that sped by. I'll be posting at least one tomorrow, and then Sunday, hopefully Monday, and I'll be off BZP Monday night- through Wednesday. Thanks for the extension!


Wait, what's that?! Why, it's Peace, a Star Wars short story by yours truly! This is a little different than the Star Wars we all know and love in terms of style and the way I viewed it--but if you liked this style and want to see more, let me know and I'll make some more Star Wars SSs, or even an epic. :D

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Okay, at this point I'll officially enter the story I linked above for the "writer's block" task.


Also at this point I'll enter a new story for both the transformation and conflict tasks: I'm Still Standing


[if it doesn't count for one of those let me know]



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I haven't had much time to write because most of it goes to school and BS01, but I finally finished my epic so I'd like to submit in Chapter 10: Conflicts, for the Conflict category. (Just a by chance I'd name it that.) Also, the chapter was written about a month ago, is that ok? =/ If not I'll submit a different Chapter just I put up yesterday. I really don't mind. =)


EDIT: >< Just realized I had already done the Conflict exercise. Is it alright to go for that again? =P

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