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Weekly Update - 3/19

Black Six



It's time for some updates, given to you on the normal weekly basis. What do we have in store for you this week?



The story updates have been coming fast and furious. I hope all you story guys are enjoying it.


We're going to have a cool announcement for you on Monday, so stay tuned for that. LEGO is pretty awesome, and they like to share awesome things.


You may have noticed the forums were offline for a bit last weekend - that was the database maintenance we had planned. Everything went as planned and the database is nice and healthy.


Some stuff we've been planning has been coming closer to completion. I'm hoping it'll be before the end of the month, but no promises.



1) What time do you usually wake up?


2) What are your favorite band(s)?


3) Do you have any pets, and if so what are they?


4) when will these cats stop eating my food


5) Any movies you're looking forward to?


6) First, take your right foot and spin it clockwise. Next, draw a number '6' in the air. Post results.


7) Do you commonly wear hats?


8) Favorite food?


9) Coffee or Tea?

1) 8 AM.

2) Harry Chapin, The Beatles, and The Eagles, among others.

3) I have a cat.

4) When you give them their own food.

5) Tron Legacy maybe?

6) Haha. Funny.

7) No.

8) Pizza maybe?

9) Water.


1.- So, stranger, what are your plans?


2.-Coke or Pepsi?


3.- I wonder what's for dinner?

1.- Enjoying life while it lasts.

2.- Water.

3.- It was pizza, and it was tasty.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's it for this week. Keep the questions and comments coming. Have a good weekend.


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The only thing vaguely interesting about this entry is that there is an announcement Monday.


Oh, and you like pizza.


Maybe if you had some sort of musical intro, like something with Smeag playing an instrument solo or something?



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The only thing vaguely interesting about this entry is that there is an announcement Monday.


Oh, and you like pizza.


Maybe if you had some sort of musical intro, like something with Smeag playing an instrument solo or something?



What can I say, I'm a boring guy I guess.


Also, I'll get right on that intro.

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Nice update.


9) Coffee or Tea?

9) Water.


Coke or Pepsi?

2.- Water.


Well, glad to see someone plans to live until 100!


We're going to have a cool announcement for you on Monday, so stay tuned for that. LEGO is pretty awesome, and they like to share awesome things.


While I already know you're not going to give much away, I'll ask only this: is it something I would like? :D

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EmpWhen, Nice ref to CSI: Miami

Can't wait to find out what happens on Monday....

*Thinks up questions to send in Mailbag*

Seriously, someone needs to ask more interesting questions...

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