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Lewa Krom


As many of you may have noticed, Electric Turahk has revealed what AHEM is and is making some false claims. First of all, the Naho thing was NOT for BNG but for AHEM. And what's AHEM?


This is AHEM (no, not a hippo eating mushrooms :P)


First of all, the name AHEM is completely gibberish and an inside joke from a while back. It means absolutely nothing. What's behind the name AHEM? The stories of the Toa Mangai and other teams.


We were discussing with Greg the possibility of getting minor canon things approved such as the origin of the Ta-Koro Guard or how Kongu met Ka. Simple things. It was going to be an episode series produced by the animators of BNG in their spare time (if they had any). Well, it escalated. Greg allowed us to send in a list of names to get approved by Lego so that we could work with him on their placement in the story, whether it be the Toa-Dark Hunter War or something else.


As Bionicle: Next Generation continued, we realized that an episode series was slightly absurd and moved to another idea (with the okay from Greg) to make an e-magazine filled with serials, short stories, and more written by the people of BZPower. That blog contest? Yeah, that's for issue #1.


The Naho thing? That wasn't just for no reason. lewathetoa and some others are making comics to go along with it and we needed Greg to approve those things so Naho could appear in the first few panels at least.


Now, I'm not completely innocent here. There were probably better ways to pull this off. For the Naho stuff we should have put up a poll, and after a discussion with Erebus, we will be doing that from now on. I'm checking with Greg to see if he could un-approve the Naho stuff so that we could have a poll.


The purpose of this was never to be a secret group project. However, we weren't going to put out there right away because we needed to make sure we had everything straight and organized. So, I'm sure where to go from here. That was going to be Saturday's project, figuring out how to organize everything.


In a nutshell, we now are getting approved names for Lesovikk's, Jovan's, Lhikan's, and Dume's teams plus other things like the species on Stelt, Axonn's species, and Ehlek's species. Names will probably be voted on to keep things fair.


This is the project of BZPower. Not of the BZP staff. Not of the BS01 staff. This is the project of the BZP/BS01 communities. Anyone can join.


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There is a problem with that, good luck competiting with KanohiJournal or The Chronicler.


Plus, there's still the "contest for canonizing," not "a small group of people secretly getting our way." Which is what this sounded like.


And no, this is not a BS01 community project, because I never once saw it posted on BS01.

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That's another point - there already is an e-magazine devoted to BIONICLE: the KanohiJournal (and its German affiliate, The Chronicler). Why not cooperate with them - they are also experts at canon contests. To me it seems you are getting way ahead of yourselves just because you found a cool opportunity, so if you want to negotiate with the magazines, PM me or mail relations@kanohijournal.com.




EDIT: Swert beat me. xD

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We are not trying to compete. This is a literature magazine, not what the Kanohi Journal's going.


And to be honest, we are going to reveal this anyways, it's just we're trying to get everything cleared. Eg, Greg's replies.


We are going to make sure everything is set and confirmed and THEN BZP community/BS01 will know this. We don't want to set any false hopes.

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Except therein lies the problem.


You're going to Greg with SECRET CONTENT. You're asking him to approve stuff that clearly members didn't want approved without their input.


You are therefore putting words into OUR mouths. THE COMMUNITY.




That is NOT cool, man.

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Ah that is true. We promise that will not happen again. I apologize.

However, we are going to allow input anyways. This Naho thing is more like an experiment. We never intend so. We are going to, on the date.

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