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Calling All Twilight Fans......

Republic Commando Fixer


If your a fan of Twilight comment here and even if your an Ememy post here.!!

I'm a fan! Bet you would of never guessed that!!



Republic Commando Fixer


Jasper Hale

Republic Commando Sev


Blue Diamond

The Geckonater


Semi Fans:

Neelh Nuva Firestorm

Cap'n Kopaka



General Electon


Squishy The Frog


Repubic Commando Niner

Toa of Dancing









Toa Zehvor MT


Toa Kopaka4372

Zeeba Eata

Toa Ling



Keyblade Master

Ultimate Rapter

-Toa Lhikevikk-

JordBoy1 :(

Akuna Toa of Sonics





The Smoke Monster

CEO Alex Humva

SkullKid is Marik Ishtar






Sonic The II

DX: Legened of Love.

Blue Fire

Jackson Lake


Chaos zero

Toxic Waste Bunny

The Man in Black

Neelh Nuva Storm

Two Faced Toa



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In a group of friends, anywhere, I hate it (Yes, I'm a horrible person for obeying peer-pressure).


By myself, I haven't read it, and I don't really plan to, so in all honesty, I shouldn't have an opinion on this. So I think you can put me in the Neutral pile.

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I'm talkint about the movies so than you would be an enemy.....





The first one was passable, in my opinion, but the second was just awful and I don't expect the third to be any better. Kristen Stewart's face just looks faker and faker each new one they make, and I swear, if she doesn't stop biting her lip someone ought to smack her. The worst of it is, she's better in other movies. She was funny in Adventureland, and I hear she makes a great Joan Jett in some new movie. But she's stuck in a role that has terrible dialogue and she does nothing to try and make it better. In fact, I'd say most of the cast either phones it in or has no talent to make it any better. After seeing Anna Kendrick in Up In The Air, I'm ashamed to see her in Twilight movies. She should be, too; she's proven herself a wonderful actress but she chooses to reprise a role as an air-headed half-wit teenager. As for Robert Pattinson and whoever the heck plays Jacob, well, if girls didn't find them so gosh darned handsome they'd see in a second that they are awful. Honestly, no sane person can admire them as actors. They just needed pretty faces that sell well, and that's what they got. Acting seems to be their least priority. Furthermore, the graphics for the wolves is some of the most trashy, cheap-looking CGI in the past decade, and in this day and age of special effects that's just unforgivable. Also, the movies have turned thousands upon thousands of innocent girls into mindless buying machine. Here's just a few ridiculous things that opportunists are trying to sell to Twi-hards:

-Trading Cards

-Paper plates

-A documentary on Forks


And guess what? The mindless masses who have sold their souls to the movies buy it. Twi-hards will buy anything, in most cases. It's just painful to watch. It's like taking candy from a baby for those selling things. It's just sickening. I can't imagine the kind of money these people spend to have all the latest Twilight stuff, and for what? To honor movies barely worth watching with undying loyalty? To make Stephenie Meyer rich? Heck, half the people that buy this junk have even touched the books. I bet less than half even know who Stephenie Meyer is. In short, the movies have ruined the books, the actors, the fans, and the general sanity of America. And that is inexcusable.



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I'm talkint about the movies so than you would be an enemy.....





The first one was passable, in my opinion, but the second was just awful and I don't expect the third to be any better. Kristen Stewart's face just looks faker and faker each new one they make, and I swear, if she doesn't stop biting her lip someone ought to smack her. The worst of it is, she's better in other movies. She was funny in Adventureland, and I hear she makes a great Joan Jett in some new movie. But she's stuck in a role that has terrible dialogue and she does nothing to try and make it better. In fact, I'd say most of the cast either phones it in or has no talent to make it any better. After seeing Anna Kendrick in Up In The Air, I'm ashamed to see her in Twilight movies. She should be, too; she's proven herself a wonderful actress but she chooses to reprise a role as an air-headed half-wit teenager. As for Robert Pattinson and whoever the heck plays Jacob, well, if girls didn't find them so gosh darned handsome they'd see in a second that they are awful. Honestly, no sane person can admire them as actors. They just needed pretty faces that sell well, and that's what they got. Acting seems to be their least priority. Furthermore, the graphics for the wolves is some of the most trashy, cheap-looking CGI in the past decade, and in this day and age of special effects that's just unforgivable. Also, the movies have turned thousands upon thousands of innocent girls into mindless buying machine. Here's just a few ridiculous things that opportunists are trying to sell to Twi-hards:

-Trading Cards

-Paper plates

-A documentary on Forks


And guess what? The mindless masses who have sold their souls to the movies buy it. Twi-hards will buy anything, in most cases. It's just painful to watch. It's like taking candy from a baby for those selling things. It's just sickening. I can't imagine the kind of money these people spend to have all the latest Twilight stuff, and for what? To honor movies barely worth watching with undying loyalty? To make Stephenie Meyer rich? Heck, half the people that buy this junk have even touched the books. I bet less than half even know who Stephenie Meyer is. In short, the movies have ruined the books, the actors, the fans, and the general sanity of America. And that is inexcusable.



Haha well tell us how you really feel!! :P

Anywho, I will admit that that Trading cars, and stuff are wird. But you cannot talk about the paper plates...... Cause other films have used paper plates for a seeling item. Like, Indiana Jones,Star Wars, Iron Man, Bionicle, and many manymore which has gotton pretty dumb IMO, So you can't just pick on the Twilight paper plates without picking on all the other film plates if you will. I liked Kristen in the first Twlight movie and in New Moon way to much drama on her part. But I really like Robert and Talyor (Jacob) as actors. I have not see Kristen in any other movied besides Twilight...... Same with Robert and Taylor.


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There needs to be a section for semi-enemies. The premise of the books is actually not half bad, but it's ruined by the fact that the books are poorly written and the movies are even worse.


I used to be a hater, but these days I try to tone down the hate because my best friend is a huge fan of the series, and she gets pretty ticked off when I start ranting about how Meyer ruined both vampires and werewolves, or how none of the characters have any depth at all (Bella's not a protagonist, she's a flippin' plot device), or such stuff as that. :P


So...I guess you can put me in the Neutral category.

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Pretty much the book (way too simplistic, and generally a bad read) and movie (which my sister forced me to watch) were downright terrible.


I'm sure you know which group I'm in. :P

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I'm talkint about the movies so than you would be an enemy.....





The first one was passable, in my opinion, but the second was just awful and I don't expect the third to be any better. Kristen Stewart's face just looks faker and faker each new one they make, and I swear, if she doesn't stop biting her lip someone ought to smack her. The worst of it is, she's better in other movies. She was funny in Adventureland, and I hear she makes a great Joan Jett in some new movie. But she's stuck in a role that has terrible dialogue and she does nothing to try and make it better. In fact, I'd say most of the cast either phones it in or has no talent to make it any better. After seeing Anna Kendrick in Up In The Air, I'm ashamed to see her in Twilight movies. She should be, too; she's proven herself a wonderful actress but she chooses to reprise a role as an air-headed half-wit teenager. As for Robert Pattinson and whoever the heck plays Jacob, well, if girls didn't find them so gosh darned handsome they'd see in a second that they are awful. Honestly, no sane person can admire them as actors. They just needed pretty faces that sell well, and that's what they got. Acting seems to be their least priority. Furthermore, the graphics for the wolves is some of the most trashy, cheap-looking CGI in the past decade, and in this day and age of special effects that's just unforgivable. Also, the movies have turned thousands upon thousands of innocent girls into mindless buying machine. Here's just a few ridiculous things that opportunists are trying to sell to Twi-hards:

-Trading Cards

-Paper plates

-A documentary on Forks


And guess what? The mindless masses who have sold their souls to the movies buy it. Twi-hards will buy anything, in most cases. It's just painful to watch. It's like taking candy from a baby for those selling things. It's just sickening. I can't imagine the kind of money these people spend to have all the latest Twilight stuff, and for what? To honor movies barely worth watching with undying loyalty? To make Stephenie Meyer rich? Heck, half the people that buy this junk have even touched the books. I bet less than half even know who Stephenie Meyer is. In short, the movies have ruined the books, the actors, the fans, and the general sanity of America. And that is inexcusable.



Haha well tell us how you really feel!! :P

Anywho, I will admit that that Trading cars, and stuff are wird. But you cannot talk about the paper plates...... Cause other films have used paper plates for a seeling item. Like, Indiana Jones,Star Wars, Iron Man, Bionicle, and many manymore which has gotton pretty dumb IMO, So you can't just pick on the Twilight paper plates without picking on all the other film plates if you will. I liked Kristen in the first Twlight movie and in New Moon way to much drama on her part. But I really like Robert and Talyor (Jacob) as actors. I have not see Kristen in any other movied besides Twilight...... Same with Robert and Taylor.



I'm sorry for the rant. I get a little carried away. Okay, more than a little. :P


The thing about the paper plates is the audience. Some kids like Iron Man, Indy Jones, Star Wars, and most certainly Bionicle. Think about it; if you're still at the age where you're buying paper plates for, say, a birthday, you're not at the age where you should be watching/reading Twilight. :lol: I mean, seriously.

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