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U N M O C A B L E Contest




Welcome to the next Bones Blog MOC contest!

One of the most frequent set-related complaints I have seen posted on our forums is that certain Bionicle parts are supposedly "unMOCable" -- impossible to use in a Bionicle building creation in any way other than the original way the part was intended. Victims of this accusation range from Rhotuka spinners to Piraka spines.

I challenge that anti-imagination claim, and you should too.

Here's your big chance to prove the naysayers wrong -- even if you are one of them! :P I believe that the amount of uses of just about ANY part depends more on our own imagination and willpower to experiment than on such snap judgements. Just about every part I've heard them call unMOCable, I have found uses for, and I've seen many others do it too. On the other hand, some pieces have eluded even me as to MOCability, such as Kanoka disks.

Your job? Make a MOC (or post one you've already made) using at least one "unMOCable" part, showcasing ways to use it besides the original purpose in the official set. And the more such parts the better.

The best MOCs as picked by me and my brother Ojhilom will be used in upcoming Paracosmos stories, especially a Bonus Series epic coming soon (untitled at this time, possibly to be titled Lifeless). The bonus story will involve the traveling backstory of the Raogahk "Trickster" archer villain featured in Unseen, a return to the Koulshra Island of the first Bonus story, Sacrifice, the return of the Rahaga, and the continuation of the Turaga Dume plot developing in Unseen.

Valid pieces (and example uses I happen to know of):

Rhotuka spinners (a plus rod in the launch area hold it just fine)
Piraka spines (upside-down, as limb decoration, etc.)
Bohrok gear-bars
Mata torsos
Pohatu toes, Lewa Ax, Turaga staffs, etc.
Nui-Rama bodies
Bohrok canister grip pieces
Inika swords, torsos, heads
Zamor, Kanoka, squids, etc.
Rahkshi spines (one end can stick in some plus-rod sockets)
Vahki braincases
Visorak headbodies
Piraka "guns"
Cordak, squid launchers, etc.
Gadunka headplate
Karda Nui Makuta wings
Pohatu heliblades
Avtoran/Agori torsos
Glatorian heads
(NOT a complete list)
(Yes, HF leg armor, weapons, etc. are fair game, maybe some B10 pieces too)


Begins now. Ends at midnight Wednesday August 4th EST.


1) MOC must include at least one "unMOCable" piece.

2) Said piece must be used in a way other than the original way it was used in the set. Please briefly describe how you used it if it's not obvious from the pics (such as how exactly it is connected).

3) Piece must be approved by bonesiii as "unMOCable so-called". Either on the above list, or asked and approved in comments. Feel free to link to posts you've seen calling it unMOCable if you can find 'em.

4) We're not using categories for this one, but both old MOCs and new MOCs ARE allowed, with the following exceptions: BBC contest winning MOCs are not allowed, and neither are MOCs already submitted to a Bones Blog contest.

5) Each member may enter any number of MOCs. Yes, I said any number. :)

7) The "one win per member" rule has become too much of a hassle in the previous contests, so we're dumping it, but we WILL factor it in terms of placement. So, if contestant A has two good MOCs, and contestant B has one good MOC, the placement would be ABA, etc.


Member: [the name you want permanently cited]
MOC name: [optional]
UnMOCable piece(s): [identify the piece and if needed explain how it's connected]
MOC bio: [optional storyline aspect of MOC]


The unnamed epic these MOCs will be for has flashbacks taking place all over the Paracosmos version of the MU. So any MU species is fair game. I'll include some details specific to the story here; if any of this inspires you go for it. :) And you can do humanoid, non-humanoid, trans-humanoid, whatever the heck you feel like. Weapons, vehicles, etc. are even fair game in this. Let your imagination run wild! ^_^ I'll put the rest of this in spoilers:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
The main character, Raogahk, is from the island of Goulmarui.

That species is the height of a Toa, with shortish legs, long arms, and heads made of upturned Visorak body pieces (the Rhotuka launcher forms a loudspeaker mouth, with a big gear over it; have a somewhat lock neck attaching to a MOCed braincase part behind the Vis. eyes area, and can bend the head forward to look very hunchback; mouth area should hang down over torso hunchback-Tohunga-style). Goulmaruians are archers and weilders of Sonics power. Their loudspeaker mouths enable them to project deafening sound and to control where exactly it goes over a short distance, and can make it act like a solid wall or a pushing force easily. Come in all six standard colors and elemental associations with various secondary colors.

They hold metal, unbending bows in their left hands, usually, with switch-off-able energy elastic strings. Right hand usually has an energypack and single "stickyfield blade", where they store and reload arrows into the bow.

Goulmaruians use Kanoka Arrows as projectiles. They are made of this piece (Kanoka material, activate power on impact, often a simple stun power, depending on the arrow they load, and this piece would suffice), connected to one of these (or these), connected to a long plus rod. Color of the arrow is irrelevant; they come in many colors depending on the maker, etc.

Rahi will play a major role in the story both with Raogahk and with the Rahaga (who met each other before the Great Cataclysm, BTW). Raogahk has a yellow beetle-like pet with four legs, native to his island. Called a Runthrough Beetle because it moves intangibly through stuff, even the ground, and are trained by Goulmaruians to retrieve their arrows. Visorak have attacked Goulmarui at least once in Raogahk's memory (BGC) and left many mutant Rahi there, and Raogahk also visited some other islands populated only by venom-mutated Rahi.

Raogahk is a Fire Goulmaruian. No need to MOC him, I have a MOC (and have finally found a way to make my Stupidcam take mostly non-blurry pics, plan to upload soon), but for story detail purposes... Raogahk is called the Trickster. He's a collector of rare and powerful artifacts. He was involved in the Toa Metru's battle with Makuta and some other new enemies. At one point he was their ally... or so they thought. He always uses clever deceptions pretty much no matter what he's doing, and his true morals have been unknown. In this epic, I will reveal how he came to be who he is, and what he's really up to. Generally speaking, he's a villain. He has made some enemies -- both nice and mean -- on his home island, most of whom aren't established yet, so you can make 'em up if you want. He has also swindled and deceived countless others across the MU. Most of the artifacts he's stolen are not established either.

Koulsha are a species nobody has yet MOCed or drawn, but they are described in Sacrifice (first Bonus series story) to have round mouths on the end of monstrous foreward-aimed conical heads, and three eyes. Bulky titans. Probably something similar to webbed feet and hands.

The Koulshra live on a barren island with something very important and secret in its center (which will be revealed in the epic). All of them can shoot blue orbs of energy, which activate a pulling power from the thing at the island's center, making whatever the orbs hit be pulled directly towards that island center for a few moments. Until the events of Sacrifice, they were preventing anyone from escaping their island; they feed on the life energy of their victims (not killing, but knocking into short comas). Now they are allied with Metru Nui and have taken to absorbing the energies of fish and villains instead.

Also of note is the Third Faction, the main enemy organization in the Paracosmos. (The good guys especially the Unknown shapeshifters and Toa are the First Faction, the Brotherhood is the Second Faction; these three are primarily involved in a three-way struggle for dominance of the MU.)

The faction is led by a female shapeshifter named Arakra, but for the most part its members are of any species. Arakra (also called Nhayaka) alone knows the top secrets of her organization and some secrets of the Paracosmos that nobody else knows. The Third Faction has been laying the groundwork for what they have called the Question War -- to war against the good shapeshifters the Unknown who are allied with the Toa, as well as against the Brotherhood, DH, etc. Why they call it that is a secret only Arakra knows.

A major 3F species are the Oru-Vortixx. How this species differs in appearance from normal Vortixx has not been established, so you can try for that if you like. What's known about them is that they seem to be able to sort false rumors from true ones, and so the Oru-Vortixx company Oracle Industries often designs weapons for future conflicts before the sides of the war even know they'll go to war. The Oru-Vortixx also never miss a shot they fire. They all appear to loyal to Arakra, who has in the past disguised herself as the Oru-Vortixx weapons designer Nhayaka. (Arakra's normal form is already known so I don't recommend trying to make her except in Oru-Vortixx form, although she IS a shapeshifter so it doesn't matter.) One male red Oru-Vortixx character that's known wears an exo-suit with giant Scoop Cannons mounted on robotic arms off the back (scoop meaning it can scoop up any solid or liquid to use as a projectile).

In recent years, the Third Faction has been famous for its Competition. Arakra has yet to select her top leadership, especially not her second in command. She refuses to fill these positions on mere trust -- she wants those who would take these positions and learn her secrets to prove themselves by doing something huge that dramatically alters events in the Third Faction's favor. (For example, in Twisted Island, the Ghomboka enemies tried to kill the Toa Mata, and use their escaping energies to gain immense power thanks to their home island's mutagenic sands. In Mindfire, the fiery enemy tried to overthrow the Brotherhood and smash Destral into Metru Nui. In this epic, Raogahk will also be entering the Competition... and he very well may succeed.)

You could MOC random low-ranking 3F members, or even make some who are Competing. NOTE: Some of the spots for Arakra's "middle management" HAVE been won already by Competition. None are established yet, so you can include that in bios if you wish too. As far as I have established, no Oru-Vortixx has ever entered the Competition, although it's not a rule.

ION: The Bones Blog is taking a two-week break from the Unseen Monstery Mystery results story. This week is for this new contest. The Blue MOC contest results are ready in a Powerpoint file and I am getting the blog entry for that ready as a draft, which I hope to go public next week. After that, I'll return to the final chapters of Unseen with the Monster Mystery contest results!

Bohrok Kool contest has not yet been judged due to the work involved in getting these things done. We'll get to that; the results won't be used in my stories for a while, so for me there has been no rush. But of course for yall we don't want to delay too long so will try to get to it soon. :)


Recommended Comments

Mata torsos are unmocable?


You so crazy.


Also entries:


Member: Ultimate_Kardas

MOC name: Alphanaught (By all means, feel free to change it)

UnMOCable piece: Mata torsos used as part of the hand/arm/head.

MOC bio: Not sure. Maybe huge hulking war machines used by the 3F.

Entry: Here


Member: Ultimate_Kardas

MOC name: N/A

UnMOCable piece: Piraka spine used as arm armor/mutation

MOC bio: N/A

Entry: Here


Member: Ultimate_Kardas

MOC name: N/A

UnMOCable piece: Makuta wings used as claws

MOC bio: N/A

Entry: Here


BTW, the edit was that I forgot to change my color and font.



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So what happened to the Blue MOC contest and the Bohrok Kal contest?


ION: The Bones Blog is taking a two-week break from the Unseen Monstery Mystery results story. This week is for this new contest. The Blue MOC contest results are ready in a Powerpoint file and I am getting the blog entry for that ready as a draft, which I hope to go public next week. After that, I'll return to the final chapters of Unseen with the Monster Mystery contest results!


Bohrok Kool contest has not yet been judged due to the work involved in getting these things done. We'll get to that; the results won't be used in my stories for a while, so for me there has been no rush. But of course for yall we don't want to delay too long so will try to get to it soon. smile.gif



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:kaukau:Rhotuka spinners - No clue


Piraka spines - Not that difficult. I've seen it done in various ways.


Bohrok gear-bars - They're easy to use, but perhaps they'll serve no purpose more perfect than their original.


Mata torsos - They're easy to use creatively, such as being limb pieces, but mainly in larger MOCs.


Pohatu toes, Lewa Ax, Turaga staffs, etc. - Pohatu's feet extensions, easy. Lewa's ax could be a beak. Some of the others are weapons to the end, though, so you have me stumped at the moment.


Nui-Rama bodies - Haven't seen them.


Bohrok canister grip pieces - No clue.



Inika swords, torsos, heads - You've got to be kidding me, right? Only challenge is the weaponry, which I made into wings.


Zamor, Kanoka, squids, etc. - I've seen the zamors as eyes and eggs and so forth. Everything else is a challenge, though, except for Cordak.


Rahkshi spines - That's an interesting one. I suppose with the help of rubber bands, but otherwise, no clue.


Vahki braincases - It could be used to encase a custom forearm, but that's hard to explain without pictures.

Visorak headbodies - A shield. I've also seen one on a Hordika-esque creation as one of those flip-up spinners on the back.


Piraka "guns" - I can't see it on a humanoid MOC, but if you did an animal or a plant, I don't know. It has enough connection points.


Cordak, squid launchers, etc. - I always thought Cordak launchers on themselves looked like satellites, but as a part of a whole, I don't know. I could see it looking like a "power cell" to an MOC of a machine of some sort, though. Same goes for the Midak. Squid launchers could be used for armor.


Gadunka headplate - No clue


Karda Nui Makuta wings - That depends on which ones you are talking about. I can think of three distinct pieces.


Pohatu heliblades - Not to say that I can think of anything, but these never struck me as un-MOCable


Avtoran/Agori torsos - You're kidding me again, right?

Glatorian heads - You're kidding me again, right?


My thoughts on these particular pieces in general.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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So what happened to the Blue MOC contest and the Bohrok Kal contest?


ION: The Bones Blog is taking a two-week break from the Unseen Monstery Mystery results story. This week is for this new contest. The Blue MOC contest results are ready in a Powerpoint file and I am getting the blog entry for that ready as a draft, which I hope to go public next week. After that, I'll return to the final chapters of Unseen with the Monster Mystery contest results!


Bohrok Kool contest has not yet been judged due to the work involved in getting these things done. We'll get to that; the results won't be used in my stories for a while, so for me there has been no rush. But of course for yall we don't want to delay too long so will try to get to it soon. smile.gif



(shhh don't tell anyone but I skimmed the article :guilty: )

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Member: Veq

MOC name: Inferno Warrior

UnMOCable piece(s): Mata Torso used as foot.

MOC bio: None.

Entry: Here.


Member: Veq

MOC name: Veridian Dread Unit

UnMOCable piece(s): Mata Torso used as arm.

MOC bio: None.

Entry: Here.


I'll make more. :)

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I want to see something made entirely of Kanoka disks and squid. ENTIRELY.

I have never wished that I had like, four hundred of those squid things more in my life than I do at this moment.

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Woo, new info! I might be the only one here who's more interested in that than the contest. :P But that 'Competition' is ludicrous because it's so believable, wow. She must have a playful side we really haven't seen much of yet. And the Trickster's backstory sounds like it'll be really interesting... :)
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Great idea for a contest. Seeing or inventing unusual ways to use pieces is my favourite part about MOCs. :) I'd like to see more focus on this aspect.


Although I haven't been into building too much lately, a few older MOCs of mine come to my mind, but most of them wouldn't fit in your story. Can I still enter them? I can do well without an appearance; showing my creativity is more important to me. :)


Would these pieces count as "unmocable"?

- Mahri canister frame

- Metru Nui Matoran torso (for non armour purposes)

- Mctoran pieces

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"Build the unbuildable, MOC the unMOCable, row, row, fight the power!" :P


Seriously, though, this sounds like an interesting contest idea, but since I am a terrible MOCist even when using useful pieces I don't think I'll be entering. Might look at the entries, however.



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Just made a small moc containing 26 pieces. 4 of those pieces are squids, and one of them a kanoka disk.


Will post it soon.



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Hold up, I have a few. I think I'll break 'em down by category:


btw, member name would be Primus and none of these have a Bio. Some of them even fall into multiple categories, but I'll just put them in the first one that I come to.


Rhotuka spinners: Boreas S21 Entry Gallery


Bohrok gear-bars:Otto Entry Gallery


Mata torsos: XR-17 Entry Gallery


Black Six and his Admin Powers Entry Gallery


Plight of Indifference Gallery


Monstrosity in Black Entry Gallery


Zamor, Kanoka, squids, etc.: Calibus Entry Gallery


Butcher Entry Gallery


Avtoran/Agori torsos: Sartorious Entry Gallery (note: the torso is at the center of this MOC. I don't really have a way to recreate this, but if you look in this picture the upper-right most ball joint of the Avtoran torso is visible)


Rodney Entry Gallery


Ghul entry Gallery (again, another one that has the torso at it's center. However, I still have this one together, so if you need proof, I'd be more than willing to take a photo of it)


Shogun Entry Gallery



Cordak, squid launchers, etc.: Heretic MG-6 Entry Gallery


Robocop A-13 Entry Gallery


And by "Karda Nui Makuta Wings" do you mean Bitil wings? Because if you do, I've got a few more entries too. But I think that's all of them for now.

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Would Rahkshi torso parts or Hordika lower arms count as UnMoCable parts?

Would a Rahkshi upper torso count?



Rahkshi upper torso, yes. Other torso parts, I don't think so. Hordika lower arms, I'm going to have to say no, because they have been used at least two other ways in official sets, and I haven't gotten that impression from the forums either.


I want to see something made entirely of Kanoka disks and squid. ENTIRELY.

I have never wished that I had like, four hundred of those squid things more in my life than I do at this moment.

Indeed. :P


Woo, new info! I might be the only one here who's more interested in that than the contest. :P But that 'Competition' is ludicrous because it's so believable, wow. She must have a playful side we really haven't seen much of yet. And the Trickster's backstory sounds like it'll be really interesting... :)

Glad you found that info interesting. :)


Great idea for a contest. Seeing or inventing unusual ways to use pieces is my favourite part about MOCs. :) I'd like to see more focus on this aspect.


Although I haven't been into building too much lately, a few older MOCs of mine come to my mind, but most of them wouldn't fit in your story. Can I still enter them? I can do well without an appearance; showing my creativity is more important to me. :)


Would these pieces count as "unmocable"?

- Mahri canister frame

- Metru Nui Matoran torso (for non armour purposes)

- Mctoran pieces

1) Sure, you can enter ones that might not fit. Be aware that I reserve the right to try to find a way to make 'em fit if they win. :P

2) Yes.

3) I have to say no to the Metruan torso. It was used other ways officially often and I don't get the "unMOCable" vibe from people's comments about it.

4) Mctoran pieces -- sure, although the torso is debatable. I haven't noticed people saying that. But the feet, arms, and head, yeah.


Don't forget the rubber band holders. Those are difficult.



Don't forget Metru bodies.






Ghul entry Gallery (again, another one that has the torso at it's center. However, I still have this one together, so if you need proof, I'd be more than willing to take a photo of it)


And by "Karda Nui Makuta Wings" do you mean Bitil wings? Because if you do, I've got a few more entries too. But I think that's all of them for now.

1) Proof would be nice, yeah.


2) Bitil wings would work, yes.


BTW, Primus, you already entered the blue and red one in the Blue MOCs contest, if you've forgotten. :P

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I'm not really sure if this will count or not because I used the original rhotuka launcher to attatch it, so is this allright: picture



That's fine with me; you're using it as something other than a projectile, so yeah.



What about the green and white inika heads?



Yes; I said that:


Inika swords, torsos, heads
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Member: The Bionic Hamster

MOC name: Rhotuka Bird (you can change this)

UnMOCable piece(s): Rhotuka Spinners X 2

MOC bio: it hovers and moves in the air similart to a helicopter (using its spinners), rather than flapping its wings.


Rhotuka birds fly in flocks of 5 to around 25 members. They are a relatively common rahi, and are docile in nature. Due to their unique flight style, they can travel farther and faster than most birds. As a result of this they are often tamed for use as message carriers, especially by "people" living in remote regions as well as sailors.


Picture: here

Gallery: here - has a couple of pictures of the spinners in case they are needed


Edit: added a bio.

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