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Rants About The Bionicle Artwork Forum

Kevin Owens


And this time, it's about something other than breasts. :P


Anyway, I've been noticing a surge of artpad topics on the artwork forum. Not that it hasn't happened before. For the most part, Artpad works like a zombie. It comes, and then it dies and then just when you think its dead, it comes back again. It's fluctuated like that since... well, every since I've been here that's for sure. However, this time Artpad has made such a strong recovery from obscurity that not even I could have predicted how strong it would be. The result, almost every single art topic in the Artwork forum comes from artpad.


For those that don't know, artpad is a program on the internet that lets you draw. One of the neat things about it is that the people who view your art can play back how you made it. Sounds good, but the thing is, it turns out horrible pictures. Many of them are worse than if they had been made in paint. Now, due to the fact that almost every topic the forum is artpad that means that we have a lot of crud on out hands.


Now I would like to point out something at this point. I do not think that nothing good can come out of Artpad. In fact, I've seen a few (read: maybe one) good pieces of art come from it. However, that piece of artwork would have been much better if it had been made in paint. And then there are almost all the rest are bad.


Thus, I declare a boycot! Let us BZPers unite in a holy crusade against Artpad. Let us finish the fight!


But what can I do to aid the boycot?

Don't use artpad. Even better, don't post in artpad topics. If we can resist it enough, it should go away.


Why should I do this

Because you would make the world a better place.

Post in non-ArtPad topics, show more support for artists that actually took the time to draw or edit something, people who aren't taking the lazy way out by using ArtPad.

I actually thought ArtPad died at one time, but then someone posted a topic, and it grew even worse then before. Artpad is like a chain. When one person uses it, the next person can make another one with the click of a button.




How can I infrom more people about this boycot?

Just link to this blog entry.


And there you have it. Just some simple ways to make the world a better place.


Recommended Comments

No. I'm just boycotting artpad due to the crud that comes out of it. A whole lot less crud come out of other stuff.

Not everyone has the same opinion as you.

For example, some people think Bionicle is awful (or "crud") whilst some people may like it alot.

Same with Artpad drawings. I actually like alot of them and I'm sure i'm not the only one.


Plus... what makes you feel anything will come out of this? Just curious

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The amount of artpad has slowed down. I wish you could quit while your ahead. Most of the people who would jump at this opportunity have already posted.


In addition I always work hard on my artpad drawings and usually take around the same time it does with ms paint

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I can't join this. As Lyger pointed out, some artpads are very good like the kraned Lewa and as Nikira pointed out. Art is art.

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Yes, the Kranaed Lewa is awesome, but I believe I'll be neutral about this. So far I haven't seen Artpad works for months because, as Gato said, most of them are really ugly not woth seeing at. But the thing is, some people may want to make something for experiment, then they improve it, Artpad would be a most comfortable way to try other techniques. So I'd go with both, but it would not stop me ignoring some Artpad work.

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I don't use art pad, but any program has the ability to turn out "crud" work. Look at MSPaint. If you don't have a tablet, its gonna be hard to make good work with it unless you do pixel art. Don't focus on a program, focus on the artist working the program. If they are good, the piece would be good. Other wise, its not going to be the best of the best.


Don't focus on programs..



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i am going to join the protest. my brother learned to draw his style on artpad, and he says it stinks. there are a few good drawings here and there, but overall it sucks.






:smilekopakanu: Gledar :smilekopakanu:

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In my opinion beginner artpad artwork has often been better in quality that beginner ms paint artwork. I think artpad is a great way for someone who is just starting to make art to introduce themselves to an artistic program, despite it's simplicity. I think there is nothing wrong with artpad, in fact, I believe someone can make great art on artpad (it's been done before), it just takes a little bit of effort on a simplistic program. Your beef against artpad actually seems to be more of a problem with the quality of artwork people are making with it. The majority of people that use artpad are newer artists that aren't always instantly good and in turn, the majority of artpad works you see are not of top notch quality.


Just my thoughts as a staff member of the Artwork forum.

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Mikey, I understand what you ae tring to say, but MOST of the stuff coming from ArtPad IS ######. That is an undeniable truth.

I support this cause.

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i support this, because i hate artpad. well, i don't hate it, but it is useless when people post every of their doodle on BZP. it is like infection(or like quizzes in software forum). once, someone finds a site. zomgeh that looks cool. then they use it to make something. poeple see a new thing, and make it too. around ten topix appear, and then one of them becomes a hot topic. thousands of people see this, and start using it too, posting everything they make. i think only good things should be posted.


so yes, i support this. and nothing will change my "vote"


PS: though, do you like this :happy: yeah i refuse artpad and use it self


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