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The Bermuda Region Place Thingie



We'd call it the Bermuda Triangle, but we didn't want to offend the other shapes.


See, look at this diagram:


IPB Image


The part in red marked "1" is the area we all know and love as the Bermuda Triangle. But the hollow red-outlined area marked "2" indicates the possible other half of the Bermuda Triangle that no one has yet discovered. This new shape is called a Lflgarglinboolst. Therefore, it may not at all be the Bermuda Triangle, but the Bermuda Lflgarglinboolst.


But just to be carefull, we call it the Bermuda Region Place Thingie, because we don't want to offend the other shapes (besides the Lflgarglinboolst).


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England, France and Spain are all part of the Bermuda Shape Thingy! :o :o

Kinda makes you wonder why it hasn't been discovered yet then :P


"Oh noes, I've been living in the Bermuda shape thingy all my life and I didn't know 'till now! Well, that explains the flying cows though"

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It looks like a ghost carrying a Dorito.


Dang! Sorry.... :P




Whatcha goign todo now foo'?


Scandilous! =O

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You forgot to add a burnmad emoticon, which would convey the exact opposite of the mood created by the post and yet fit perfectly with such newbspammahish behavior! =O
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You forgot to add a burnmad emoticon, which would convey the exact opposite of the mood created by the post and yet fit perfectly with such newbspammahish behavior! =O




Do you even reconize it? =P

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