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Another Boring Entry On Art & Writing.

Lady Kopaka


EDIT: I don't usually bump entries, but I'd love to get a few more votes on which epic I should start on. :)


First off, wondering if there would be anyone willing to help me edit Glitch? Hardcore editing not necessary, I just need a second pair of eyes to help me polish it so I can get it properly on BZP again. (can you believe that it’s been around for nearly two years already?)


Secondly, decided I am going to post a large-scale epic in the upcoming months. However, I am torn by three ideas (yes, I have asked this before—just trying to finalize stuff)

  • A Glitch in the System sequel.
  • A continuation of Let the Flames Begin, which would be a normal sized epic story.
  • A previous Bionicle fantasy related idea I discarded, but decided to give it a second chance.
No need to ask “which one do you prefer?” because I can’t decide myself.


I have a drawing to share, I did back in January.


Tis' Hewkii, Macku, Jaller, Takua, and Hahli. In acuality, they are not that cartoony, but it's a fun style to draw anyhow.

Nothing else to show, excluding the commission I’m doing for Vorox Chief (which I hope I can finish this week). The whole commission thing is on hold though until I can figure out if I can handle it. Sorry.


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If we're talking basic proofreading, streamlining, and so on I'd be willing to give it a shot. I'm a little compulsive about that sort of thing to the point where I almost enjoy it.


Nice drawing! Huki and Jala are good, but the others are just perfect. I especially like the expression on Takua's face.

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First off, wondering if there would be anyone willing to help me edit Glitch?


What Arpy said. I'm fine with pointing out grammar/spelling/etc. errors if you want.


A previous Bionicle fantasy related idea I discarded, but decided to give it a second chance.


Depends on what it's about.


For the other two, gah, I want both. =P Let the Flames Begin is shaping up to be incredibly awesome, and since it has TSO, the Dark Hunters, the Order, etc., that makes it more awesome. But GitS is one of the best epics I"ve read, so I want a sequel to that, too.


I see how you're torn between them. =P


And awesome art... I would comment more but it's hard to get away from that chat lol.

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1. I can do proof-reading, streamlining, etc. for Glitch, if you want.

2. A sequel for Glitch would nice.

3. Art is total awesomesauce.

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a part 2 to GiS would be nice and i love the art work there jaller looks amazing I like the style you used for them well great job !!

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You still need help? I sent you a PM about it a couple months ago but never got a reply. Guess it got eaten by the server.


Anyway, I'd be glad to offer my assistance, should you need it.


And I'm loving the art! Each character looks perfect, really. I can see the personality in each one. You can easily tell who they are.

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Depends on what it's about.

Like Glitch was inspired by Matrix and Ghost in the Shell, the fantasy story is inspired by Treasure Planet and Princess Mononoke. The title for this is leaning to be The Shards of Avika.


You still need help? I sent you a PM about it a couple months ago but never got a reply. Guess it got eaten by the server.

No I got it, but as you said, it was months ago and I wasn't sure who would still be willing to help. I'll give you a PM sometime though, thanks.


You all are being quite terrible to me...I still don't know what story to start on first. This is torturous. @_@

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*huge eyes* TEACH ME MASTER.


I wish I could draw like you. actually, I wish I could draw.


The artwork is simply incredible.

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I'd like to see that 3rd one come into fruition. Even though I would love a sequel to GITS, I would like to see what that newish idea is. It would be awesome no matter what, just knowing how good you are at writing.


The drawing, which I meant to comment on when I first saw it, is really nice. Those five have always been some of my favorites.



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Well, I dunno about a direct, outright sequel to GitS, but maybe a novel exploring some other characters in the GitS Universe :shrug:?


Anyhow, if not, the 3rd one sounds interesting. Who knows, it may be another GitS...



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You all are being quite terrible to me...I still don't know what story to start on first. This is torturous. @_@


For me it really depends on how Let the Flames Begin ends. If it leaves me -really- wanting more, then probably that, if not, then I still gotta decide between Glitch, LtFB, and the other one.



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