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Loving the music.


I suggest you do something with the Mata-Nui/Three Virtues symbol, though. It just looks... unrealistic. Give it a metal gloss and texture.


Still quite good though, so keep it up.

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Getting a metal texture would go to both the modelor/sculptor and the animator, due to the effect that all textures must both be modeled and animated.
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Great Intro.


The text font is okay, but I think it will look better if the font style is consistent.


Btw, we should show credits during Takanuva's flying between dimensions part.

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Yummy. I still think that we should have a nice shot of Metru Nui as the title is coming into view [as said here] but since I'm pretty sure it hasn't been modeled yet I'll let it pass. :P And something needs to be done about the text, it doesn't look very... professional. The light blue and the white make it a little hard to read - and the red on the title is... not what I would have picked.
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Yummy. I still think that we should have a nice shot of Metru Nui as the title is coming into view [as said here] but since I'm pretty sure it hasn't been modeled yet I'll let it pass. :P And something needs to be done about the text, it doesn't look very... professional. The light blue and the white make it a little hard to read - and the red on the title is... not what I would have picked.

What would you want me to do with the opening text?

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Yummy. I still think that we should have a nice shot of Metru Nui as the title is coming into view [as said here] but since I'm pretty sure it hasn't been modeled yet I'll let it pass. :P And something needs to be done about the text, it doesn't look very... professional. The light blue and the white make it a little hard to read - and the red on the title is... not what I would have picked.

What would you want me to do with the opening text?

I think that a different font would be good - something a little less cartoony. I think a rough grey would be a good color for it, or a dark red. And if you're going to have the glow, make it much paler and smaller. As it is it is somewhat eye-blinding (you don't want to go around blinding nice people do you)? The title should definitely be a grey, kind of a scratched metal color. This isn't the happiest movie out there - the bright red does not fit with that concept.


I think I had a different idea altogether of the text originally but I don't remember it now. Oh well.

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