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Today's Random Rambling...



it is called "Random Ramblings", and it has "Nerd" in the title, so, here we go :P


Think of the numbr .9 repeating. It is infinately close to one, yet not one, correct?


time for some algebra.


.11111... = 1/9


multiply both by nine


.99999... = 9/9 = 1



another one.


.99999... = x


multiply both by 10


9.9999... = 10x


subtract x (.99999...) from both sides


9= 9x


simplify, divide both by nine


1= 1x


1= x




told yah i was a nerd :P


Recommended Comments

That's not that nerdy. Finding out eerie similarities between Abraham Lincoln and JFK is nerdy. Did you know that both their killers had the same number of letters in their names?


Okay, maybe you're nerdier. :P

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Finding out eerie similarities between Abraham Lincoln and JFK is nerdy. Did you know that both their killers had the same number of letters in their names?


really 0_0 that's spooky...

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That came up once in maths... We were going on about how to find accurate fractions for repeating decimals. Take 0.393939393939...:


0.3939393939... x 100 = 39.393939393...

39.3939393939... - 1/100 = 39


Therefore: 0.3939393939... = 39/99, or 13/33




When you use this for 0.9999999... the results are a bit different. :P


0.9999999... x 10 = 9.9999999...

9.9999999... - 1/10 = 9


Therefore 0.999999999... = 9/9, or 1




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