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Weekly Update - 4/9

Black Six



Is it Friday yet? Oh, it is! Shoot, that means I need to crank out a Weekly Update!



So we have some awesome contests going on that you should check out:

Blog Contest #2 - I talked about this with Nukaya in the last Powercast. If you like to travel or think about faraway places, you should make a cool blog theme and enter this.

BBCC #58 - For reals, this time. It's sad to think that many of you weren't alive in the 80s. You have my condolences. They were awesome. Also, you make me feel old.

Comedies Contest #4 - I don't know what possessed our Comedies staff to want to do this, but they did. Please, don't be too rough on them, they do their jobs better if they're not too mentally scarred.


Behind the scenes stuff is getting pushed back. It's all Kelly's fault, don't blame me. If you want to see some progress, you should PM him and tell him to get around to replying to my emails (I'm only half-serious about that).


Also, BrickFair is getting closer, planning and such is beginning to start and gears are turning. It should be an amazingly awesome event - I hope to see some of you there!



1. a ) Who is that in your avatar? Darth Malak?

b ) Did you draw your avatar?

2. What's your take on these April Fools shenanigans?

3. Do any sports?

4. Do you usually stay up late? What time?

5. Do you ever regret buying a Lego set? Which one?

6. Favourite colour?

7. Candy, choclate, or chips?

8. Have you ever felt good banning someone?

9. What's the most expensive thing you've bought with your own money?

10. Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?

11. Do you think Duke Nukem: Forever will ever come out?

12. What's your best childhood video game?

12. Did you ever play any old Lego video games?

13. Favourite Lego set?

14. What's the most exotic place you've traveled too?

15. Have you been to Canada? Specify where in Canada you've visited.

16. Have you ever posted an MOC on BZP?

17. Best childhood TV show?

18. If you could describe your BZP experience in one word, what would it be?

19. What is love?

20. What superpower would you have?

1. a ) That's me.

b ) No, Schizo Kaita did. I colored it in though. (I can do arts!)

2. What shenanigans?

3. No as part of any teams, no.

4. I generally pass out around midnight or so.

5. Never.

6. Blue.

7. Chocolate.

8. Well, they always deserve it, but I wouldn't say it's really a 'fun' thing.

9. My car (well, it's not all mine yet).

10. In about a minute.

11. Probably, and lots of people will buy it and it won't be very good.

12. TIE Fighter.

12. I played LEGO Island way back in the day. (Someone needs to learn to count.)

13. That's a really hard one. I might have to go with the Crystal Explorer Sub. I have lots of good memories of that set.

14. New Mexico.

15. No.

16. Yes.

17. Scooby Doo.

18. Fun.

19. Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

20. Flight would be cool, but teleportation would be a lot more useful. I think the best though, would be a regenerative healing factor, a-la Wolverine.


  1. Is the BZPower complaint department really a trash can?
  2. Do you still have your star destroyer or did you sell it or some thing?

    If you still have it,

    1. Can I borrow it next weekend? :P
  3. What's that smell?
  4. Why are you sitting on my pie?
  5. Do you like pie?
  6. Macadamia Nuts?
  7. Did you ever showup for work without your pants?

    If so,

    1. What hapened?
    2. Did you get fired?
  1. Yes. It sits next to my desk. I print the complaints out, crumple them up, and throw them in there.
  2. It's in geosynchronous orbit.
    1. Sorry, but no.
  3. Don't look at me.
  4. Now how'd that get there?
  5. Depends on the pie.
  6. I think we've been over this.
  7. No.
1. Have you ever watched BBCA's Top Gear (Mondays at 8pm EST)?

2. Are you trigger happy?

3. Pen or Pencil?

4. Just how many times have you banned Smeag?

1. I think we have a corporate advertiser in our midst.

2. No.

3. Pencil.

4. I don't know if I ever have. If I did it wasn't for very long.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's about it for this week. Questions, comments, feedback, and more are always welcome. Have a good weekend!


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Looks like the coding is funky when you replied to Imold's questions. Not like I'm pointing out the obvious or anything....

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Looks like the coding is funky when you replied to Imold's questions. Not like I'm pointing out the obvious or anything....

This is why the preview button is important, kids.

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Scooby Doo YES. I also liked your answer to "Macadamia Nuts?"

Another interesting update, and I hope the Comedies staff stays sane.


And it looks like you cut out some of Imold's questions.



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You've banned me a few times, Andrew

And you've always deserved it, but he wouldn't say it's really a 'fun' thing.

Well, I did deserve it that one time. :X

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