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Wow, Time Flies



Can you believe it has been over a year since the final comic of the best comic series on BZPower was posted? I miss the Chilli God's humour and artistic flair, sadly I doubt we'll see either from him again. Wish he'd come back, but like most of us, life must have caught up with him for sure. *sigh* Inspiration to all comic makers, good or bad.


And scarily, I made 255 of my 4999 posts in that topic. Yikes. That's devotion.


Hope this could somehow be part of my own BZP legacy.




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For the record, I've pretty much stopped reading this blog since all it seems to be nowadays is shameless advertising for Kardiak Arrest and how you're not getting anywhere on it.
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What I'm actually advertising is opinions on what I should do. Trust me, once I feel I've had enough, I'll lay off until there is something more development. Course, I guess you could say my mind is already made up, but...mreh.


Also, I dispute I'm not getting anywhere with it. I have been writing scripts in the last week or so. But yeah, OK.



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Yes I figured, I haven't managed to see him on chat in a long time, not that I'm on that very much. Shame, but totally understandable. Surprised it lasted as long as it did, actually, and glad that it did.



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