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Inner Thoughts

Inferna Firesword




Yeah, sure, it sounded like the right choice at the moment I read that straightforward PM, and sent my reply back. Flattering offers? You bet. A great honor to be asked? Most likely.


Would I have been able to pull it off, all those responsiblities offered to me, on such a small amount of computer time? Probably not, and that's what I said in my reply. I felt it was the right choice, and it was.


For about five minutes.


Ever since, I've been wondering if I could pull it off in such little time. If I should've given myself more than three minutes to think it over. If I should PM again and ask for more details, and ask if I could still have the opening, if possible . . .


Goshdangit, now I'm torn in two. >.<


Recommended Comments

If you feel you won't have enough time to do whatever it is you've been asked, then it was wise to decline. If you want to try, however, and see if you could do it, then by all means send another PM. Better to risk it and fail than to never try and wonder what might have happened.

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