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Why is it the minute you use tactics instead of just Ramboing it, you're suddenly called, amongst other, less mild things, a noob, a *******, a game killer, and a ****, especially in FPS'?


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Well its your own fault for being smarter than them. I mean, how dare you use things like tactics and cover to emphasise the inadequacies of others! If you make others feel like noobs because they're not as good as you then of course that makes you the noob!






For clarification, yes that is sarcasm

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Well, I find in MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, some people tread a fine line between that. On the one hand, you have the genuine tacticians. These are the people who will set up a modified Sunder on a hill and snipe, then duck behind cover as soon as they're noticed - or the people who will actually take one for the team and go out in a scout mech equipped with a Narc Beacon to seal the fate of whatever enemy is making a nuisance of themselves. I have a lot of respect for these people, as I am generally one of them.


Then you have the people who don't exactly Rambo it, but don't really use tactics, either. These are the people who, when five different people are having a light mech fight for the fun of it, will jump in with an Atlas just to feel superior. These are the ones that I reserve my special Supernova for.


You see, in this game, there's an easy way to tell if they're that special kind of moron, or an actual tactician. Load up a Supernova with 8 Flamers, and start crisping them. If they can't get themselves out of that situation, then they're a poor pilot using cowardice and cheap tricks to keep themselves alive. If they shred your Supernova within five minutes, they know what they're doing.

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