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The Return Of The Llama Awards



Originally publised December 31, 2006 and August 24, 2007.


Okay, this calls for a list of Llama Awards. These are nifty little thingys that you can do stuff for, and then you get to put them in your blog/sig/profile! :o As deemed by...er, me, you can't use these awesome official ones unless you get that achievement. Bahaha.


Click on the color to get the llama image.


Red - Have a blog. (Inactive ones count too.)


Blue - Have 5000 posts.


Green - Participated in at least two "International --- Days".


Teal - Have a blog with over 2000 comments.


Brown - Have a username starting with "Stinky". Just for lulz.


Yellow - Post an entry in your blog devoted fully to one member, complete with picture shrine and list of all the awesome things about that member.


Purple - Create a fad that has spread to ten member's signatures, or five blogs. Or both.


Lime - Write your posts in a special color/boldness/style.


Radioactively Mutated - Goes with the yellow one - you get this if that person the entry is devoted to is me. : D


Orange - Been a member of BZP for at least three years.


Gray - Been in the member spotlight or submitted a news article.


Neutral Blue - Be a staff member on either BZP or BS01.


Paradox Llama - Earn the Paradox Llama award. That's right, you can't get this until you get it.


And thanks to Spitty for the original llamaing.


Remember, if you see a llama that isn't on my Photobucket or Spitty's Maj - IT IS A FAKE!! THAT PERSON DOES NOT DESERVE A LLAMA AWARD! REPORT TO ME FOR EXOPROTO!!shift + 1


Yeah, you know.


By the way, click on my Llama Awards and you get a prize. : O


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I think I get all of them because...







Anyone want a dorito?



(I took some, so ya. I put them in other stuffs, like Gmail icons. Hope you dont mind)

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Red - Have a blog where you can use these.


Hey, I have a blog!!!


Green - Participate in at least two "International --- Days".


Kopaka, Vakama, Pohatu, Onewa... I think that's all...


And other than that, I have done nothing. :P

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I get:

IPB Image-Because if I did have a blog, you could use these.

IPB Image-Because I have 5000 posts in my imagination.

IPB Image- I participate in national KI day, and international Kongu Inika day.

IPB Image-If I had a blog, it would have waaaaaaaay more than 2000 comments.

IPB Image-I tried to change my name...

IPB Image-I would, if I had a blog. I've made some birthday topics!

IPB Image-I created a avatar fad!

I RULEZ!111!1!!!!!!1


~Kongu Inika

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Gold Llama: Having changed username to something from a MNOLG glitch.

Silver Llama: Creating a typed animal in your siggy.

White Llama: Getting a member to say "ORZ1" in an art topic you made.

Black: MOCing Nikira.

Rainbow Llama: Having openly posted a Bionicle slash fanfic without disturbing anyone.

Heliatrope Llama: Drawing Nikira.

Bronze Llama: Using a Stheno-made avy.

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Hmm, the way I see it, you don't have to have a log to get any Llama award except the red one. Thus meaning that I've got three good ones!
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Yeah this was republished because I'm adding a few more (and the Lime one is from about a week ago)


Also, be sure to click on my llamas :o

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Also, be sure to click on my llamas :o


Oh I'm not falling for that again :P


EDIT:nevermind didn't notice the orange llama



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it's not paint


he had to go in a snowstorm to get here


Aanchir: Sure. As long as you keep it up there for as long as you have the llama award. The entries are more easily disposable. :P

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Hmmm, I been a member since May 11th 2003 (4 years). I have reached over 5000 posts. I have a blog with 2000+ posts, plus I started a fad that reached not only 10+ sigs, but also over 5 blogs.


Thats a lot of awards I just won.


So do I get the honor of having them in my blog? :o



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