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What if you go just to make fun of it?





That's what I went there to do. It was so bad, that even making fun of it was no fun.

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Is it at all accurate to whatever mythology it's based off of? If so, I'll probably enjoy it, but...

No, it's just a conglomeration of various Greek myths.

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And if I can trust Wikipedia for once, isn't anything like the original Clash of the Titans, which mangled the myths badly enough. >.>


For once, can we have a Greek-myth based movie that doesn't have Hades as the bad guy?



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Ah, my gift of seeing once again saves me money and time. I knew this was gonna be a bad movie the moment I saw the first glimpse of it in a 30 second ad.

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Ah, my gift of seeing once again saves me money and time. I knew this was gonna be a bad movie the moment I saw the first glimpse of it in a 30 second ad.


My pleasure.


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I strongly disagree... it was right up there with iron man.... another movie I am going too- I even get to go to the midnight release- something I did not do since Star Wars: ROTS

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I actually thought it was a good movie. Liam Neeson played the part of Zeus amazingly well, Ralph ffiennes OWNEd as Hades, and Sam worthington was good, except he had a buzz cut and everyone else had long hair.


And the CG for both the Kraken and the Medusa was awesome.

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