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Can't Say This Enough ...



Sorry to beat a dead horse, but ... this morning I got a very intelligent PM from a premier member asking some questions regarding the look of the Agori and the Glatorian. I sat down, spent five minutes or so giving him his answers, sent it off ... and he is not contactable by Messenger.


PLEASE do not send me PMs if your account is not set up to receive replies. It wastes my time and yours.




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Well, to be fair, it's probably not the member's fault. I doubt his account was "not set up to receive replies" - his inbox just got full, probably after he sent the questions to you, and he didn't notice it in time.

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No -- it was not a messenger box was full message. It was a "this member has chosen not to be contactable by personal messenger" message.

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To avoid this problem in the future, I think BZP should make disabling the messenger go both ways: sending and receiving must be disabled simultaneously. That way, you shouldn't receive a message from a member to which you cannot reply. In addition, if a member cannot be replied to, the forum should notify you before you write a reply.


In the case of a full inbox, the forum should remind the user (if it doesn't do so already) with the full inbox to clean up his inbox and/or go Premier to increase his storage space. :lookhere:


-Toa Of Justice

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I wouldn't call it beating a dead horse if it still bites.


I'm sorry this keeps on happening Greg, you have every right to keep on bringing it up.

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To avoid this problem in the future, I think BZP should make disabling the messenger go both ways: sending and receiving must be disabled simultaneously. That way, you shouldn't receive a message from a member to which you cannot reply. In addition, if a member cannot be replied to, the forum should notify you before you write a reply.


In the case of a full inbox, the forum should remind the user (if it doesn't do so already) with the full inbox to clean up his inbox and/or go Premier to increase his storage space. :lookhere:


-Toa Of Justice

This is a commendable idea. However, this would take quite some tome with tampering the coding to achieve the effect, and is thus not likely to happen.



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To avoid this problem in the future, I think BZP should make disabling the messenger go both ways: sending and receiving must be disabled simultaneously. That way, you shouldn't receive a message from a member to which you cannot reply. In addition, if a member cannot be replied to, the forum should notify you before you write a reply.


In the case of a full inbox, the forum should remind the user (if it doesn't do so already) with the full inbox to clean up his inbox and/or go Premier to increase his storage space. :lookhere:


-Toa Of Justice

This is a commendable idea. However, this would take quite some tome with tampering the coding to achieve the effect, and is thus not likely to happen.



At the very least, two-way messenger disabling would be helpful. I just realized that BZP already reminds users of their inbox fullness in the form of a percentage bar, but I was thinking about a pop-up notification. However, that might annoy some users, so perhaps the percentage bar is enough.


-Toa Of Justice

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I have this problem and don't know how to fix it... can someone help me?

Perhaps you could try leaving a comment on the profile page(s) of the member(s) that you can't reach via PM.


-Toa Of Justice

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At the very least, two-way messenger disabling would be helpful. I just realized that BZP already reminds users of their inbox fullness in the form of a percentage bar, but I was thinking about a pop-up notification. However, that might annoy some users, so perhaps the percentage bar is enough.


-Toa Of Justice

I don't think you understand my point. Basically, the staff has better, more important things to do than hassle with the coding of the site to get a small effect such as this. Besides, Greg's point is that this sort of thing can easily be avoided if the asking party simply checks their settings and changes them accordingly. It's the member's fault not to plan ahead.



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I have this problem and don't know how to fix it... can someone help me?

Perhaps you could try leaving a comment on the profile page(s) of the member(s) that you can't reach via PM.


-Toa Of Justice

But gregf doesn't read the comments on his page


The problem started about a year ago, and thats when I couldn't receive pms

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Next, what will happen is the Premier Member will continue to send the PM off again and again, waiting for you to answer.


One thing to do, perhaps, would be to post a topic about this somewhere, because apparently none of the non-reachable members seem to be reading this blog.


But that takes some time, and time is something Greg doesn't have very much of, given he's taking enough time entertaining us with serials and PMing us answers to the questions we send him.

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To avoid this problem in the future, I think BZP should make disabling the messenger go both ways: sending and receiving must be disabled simultaneously. That way, you shouldn't receive a message from a member to which you cannot reply. In addition, if a member cannot be replied to, the forum should notify you before you write a reply.


In the case of a full inbox, the forum should remind the user (if it doesn't do so already) with the full inbox to clean up his inbox and/or go Premier to increase his storage space. :lookhere:


-Toa Of Justice

This is a commendable idea. However, this would take quite some tome with tampering the coding to achieve the effect, and is thus not likely to happen.



Not to be rude, but as a coder/programmer myself - this wouldn't take too long to code. Depending on the language, it's possible that it could be written out in one line.

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Greg, Can you at least post the unsendable PM in the OGD Topic?



Oh, that poor dead horse.


But he doesn't have time. It's magic he even has time to answer PMs. To go to the OGD topic, then click hit reply, copy and paste the question, answer... it seems quick to us, but long to him.


Because he doesn't have to meet so many demands due to BIONICLE's ending, he could possibly have some time to do this. But what it would be so much easier to do would be to have members uncheck the little box.

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I'd guess that if he had it saved as a draft he would have pasted it in this entry.


I didn't even know you could set your profile to not recieve PMs. Weird. People definitely shouldn't send PMs (and especially ones like that which are meant to get replies) when they have that set.

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Wait. You are not talking about the Organic Beings to Elemental Robots? Right? Oh My God........I fell so bad at this.

It must be me. If it is. I.....You are talking about me. Okay it was me. I am glad I send you the Sorry pm. I was that time new at the site and didn't knew and block you. Later I forgot about it..........I fell so embarrassed. Again I am really sorry. :(

Here the pm in the OGD. If you want read it. It reveals something.


Edit: You have been hinting this to your Blog for..............I fell so embarrassed again, the member theory. I am really sorry. I really didn't knew I had block you. :(

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Hi Mr.Farshtey, I was thinking about this for a while. I really don't know if you deleted but I am resending you. If you did do you mind answer this questions? If didn't the just delete this one.


1.The GB gave the Agori/Glatorian implants and armor that match the main Element in the area (for example the Great Volcano, Great Jungle (Bota Magna)) which a tribe of Agori and Glatorian lived. So the Agori/Glat. are NOT Elemental beings but, their armor and implants makes them look like they are. Normally they look all the same, Right?


2. Is this basically what happen to the Skrall?


3.That's also why the Vorox/Zesk have tails right?


4.Now if Agori/Glat. were born they would be 100% organic, Right?


Thank you for your time.



1-2) The GBs did not give them their armor. The armor is like a uniform, so you know what tribe you are part of/work for. Underneath, they are organic beings, so without the armor you could not tell what tribe they belonged to.

3) Those came from GB experiments

4) Yes



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