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A True Story That Will Scare You...

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Traku loads up Bionicle Heroes, as usual, and sits down to blast innocent, defenseless little Suukorak into tornados of flying Lego pieces.


The screen loads, and he finds himself near the Piraka Beach, with his character, Kongu, ready for action. Gun shouldered, pose tensed, eyes narrowed. Completely ready...except...


Sitting back in his chair, Traku stares at the screen and blinks. "Something's different..."


After several minutes of pondering, he leans back and calls, "Hey, Turakii? Has Kongu always been headless?"


And there Kongu stands yet, breathing and moving, but with only emptiness on the end of his neck...





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Yay, for cheaply made games! Did it really take him that long to notice though?


Maybe not quite that long (take off about a minute), but it did take him that long to call me. Then he went and fixed it before I could get a screenshot. Drat.

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OMG! I'm scared! I think Kongus a ghost or the headless horsemen

Bionicle man.


Edit:Thanks for fixing the horsemen Turakii, my computor wasn't working.... >,<

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Egads! It looks like the reinamiated body of Kongu is out for revenge! Hide your children! *Dives under bed, sucking thumb*

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His head was a disgrace. They had to sock'em at some point.


But I'll only get that if I suddenly have a bunch of spare money. Because I hate this year's line, and the reviews aren't that great.

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My glitch works! It works on all game systems! Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Ahem. Has Traku used the "Half-Bodiless Jaller" Glitch yet? It's funny.



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And you thought Blue Heck was annoying!


Oh, I know what happened! Kongu's a toa who comes two generations after Matau, right? And Matau was a big influence on him! He's obviously mad at the fact that Matau seems to be losing to LarryBoy in the "Who Would Win" contest, and has passed the revenge down to Lewa, who passed it down to Kongu. Every Toa of Air passes on this grudge to the next generation of Air Toa, to make sure that their revenge on LarryBoy is kept "served cold."


Now what does this have to do with you, you ask? Well, nothing. But it does have to do with LarryBoy, who is your close friend, companion, and blogger. Therefore, if you experience problems, LarryBoy offhandedly experiences some of it, but not all of it. You see, they don't want to kill LarryBoy, for there are things much worse than death. So if they pass on bureaucratic problems and techincal dificulties onto you, he suffers part of them. But as if that wasn't enough:


Kongu decided he would have nothing to do with you further, so he decided to get rid of himself from your life, so they could escape to their dimension while they fire a Doomsday on our dimension. That way, there'd be no more LarryBoy. Why? Because they're sick and tired of bugging him and want pure, no-going-back revenge on this cucumber. And all because of the coolness factor of LarryBoy being higher than Matau.


How do we stop all this? I dunno. But I'm voting for Matau just in case.



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.. Ooookay.. that's.. just.. a tad bit.. crazy. Did it actually happen? That's weird. But I laughed :lol: . Beheaded Kongu, controllable. Hehe. Good tidings,




P.S: Oh, wait. It's true. A game glitch. My dad works on computers for a living--I know tons about 'em too.

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What that blue heck?


It will be.


Good luck with the reheading process, there. Could you maybe get a screenshot of it sometime if it happens again? I want to superimpose a LarryBoy head...



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