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From The News Desk Of Spirit



So, hello everyone. Been kinda busy lately and I just thought I'd catch you guys up to speed on what's been going on.

  • As some of you may or may not know, I had a birthday on April 8th. As far as birthdays go, it was pretty lame. It was the second last day of class, so in wanting to know what to study for exams, I wasn't able to go home and instead had to stick around during the 8th and the 9th. I played a bit of LEGO Universe, so that was okay, but that was about it... The actual celebrating happened on the evening of the 9th, when I got to go home. There was cake and presents (most of which were travel-related, but more on that later), which was a large improvement on the previous day. After that, I got a whole week of no school until exams (which are done now, so I'm home for the summer), ordinarily, the perfect time to study, but if you know me, procrastination's the name of the game. :D
  • So about the travel thing, I guess now is as good a time as any to announce it, starting in September, I'll be moving from Ontario, Canada and living in Nice, France for the year as I do a year of school abroad. Pretty excited for it and still partially unable to internalize it, so, this should be quite the adventure.
  • Noticing a great deal on Future Shop for free shipping on orders of over $39, I decided to use some of my birthday money to purchase Pokémon HeartGold, Yu-Gi-Oh 5s Reverse of Arcadia, and a webcam. Both games deserve their own bullet points, but the webcam was pretty neat to try out, plus it was on sale. Ironically enough, they were delivered while I was in the garage searching for the C key from my laptop keyboard as mentioned in my previous blog entry...
  • Now, I've never played a Yu-Gi-Oh game before (card game or otherwise), but the anime was always interesting with the twists and turns their card games took, so I figured "heck, how hard can it be?" Let's just say, whenever I manage to win a duel, I feel like the smartest freaking person on the planet. :lol: I haven't gotten very far yet, still getting my bearings as a duelist, but it's pretty fun, I have to say. Some of the subtler rules are a little hard to understand and it seems that sometimes the game picks and chooses when certain things apply, so to that I say, screw the rules, I have money (and a million nerd points if you got that reference or even care about this bullet point :rolleyes:).
  • On Monday the 26th (yesterday), I got all four wisdom teeth out. So yeah, I've really gotta stop starting my summers with surgery... Still recovering from that (my face is already pretty swollen) and I'm excited for when I'll be able to eat solid food again. And rest assured, once I'm recovered sufficiently, I'll get around to doing the last chapters of my comedy.
  • Speaking of which, the entries for the Comedy Contest have been posted and yes, I have entered. I'm intrigued to see how I do in this contest, given that I can no longer rely on the crutch of my reputation as I have been able to in past contests. :lookaround: I'll give you a hint as to which one it is, though: mine's the one with the Bohrok in it. ;)
  • And lastly, Pokémon has been fun. If there's any region I played to death in my younger days, it was Johto. Quite a few bursts of nostalgia going through this game, though, and I do like how your Pokémon follow you around. As I type this, I have just beaten the Elite Four for the first time with the following team:


    Ampharos Lv.45 (Discharge, Thunder Wave, Focus Blast, Signal Beam)

    Poliwhirl Lv.44 (Waterfall, Wake-Up Slap, Hypnosis, Belly Drum)

    Togetic Lv.44 (Extrasensory, Magical Leaf, AncientPower, Fly)

    Forretress Lv.45 (Bug Bite, Payback, Explosion, Spikes)

    Mamoswine Lv.45 (Ice Fang, Avalanche, Earthquake, Mud Bomb)

    Typhlosion Lv.45 (Flamethrower, Swift, Lava Plume, Defence Curl).

And that is what is new for me.


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that's like the same ampharos as i have


Except mine is level 73 and it knows Light Screen instead of Thunder Wave, 'cause between the 30% paralysis rate that Discharge has and Static I figure the enemy is likely to be paralyzed regardless. :P

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Well, Thunderwave is only on there temporarily (as are many of my other moves). I'm thinking of maybe adding Power Gem, but we'll see how things pan out.

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Oh no does that mean you'll start posting in French! :o (Oh, wait, Canadians know french already, but can still communicate in English...)


I had my wisdom teeth pulled durring a winter break back in high school... spent the whole time recovering. Oh well, good to get them out sooner than later.


Your comedy had Bohrok in it? MINE TOO!



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Yeah, that would be s sucky way to start the summer. :lol:

Scary thing is, my wisdoms'll probably be coming in within the next year or so... :fear:

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Wait, did you just summon 3 monsters in one turn? That's against the rules.

Screw the rules, I have green hair.

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actually, under sacrifice rules, assuming he has no monsters on the field to start with and a ridiculously lucky hand, he would need...

1 normal summoned monster (0)

5 ultimate offering'd monsters (2500)

3 Offering'd BEWD (1500)


He'd be paying 4000 life points just to get 3 blue eyes on the field.


"Rare card? That sounds vague enough to be the Blue eyes white dragon."

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