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Lewa Krom


For the past two months, my family has been very stressed as a person decided to run a nasty campaign against my mom for School Board, spreading lies, attacking the rest of the School Board etc. In fact, there was joke amongst the School Board about the room getting cold whenever the opponent walked in. I took it a step further, calling our opponent (not publicly, of course) Queen Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness, and Faerie Queen of Winter (Dresden Files reference :P)


Oh, and, I pointed out, that if "Mab" won we'd have the solution to global warming. :P


But we won. The party was fun. I just got home. We're going to have another party soon with more people. Overall, my mom and dad hated going through the nasty campaign, but I'd have to admit: it's fun when all of the students support your mom. :D (And all of the teachers. And all of the other school board members.


So, congratulations to my mom!


Note to BNG and people who've sent me PMs: I'll get to guys tomorrow night. I'm exhausted (caffeine seems to have reverse effect on me :P) and I'll get to them after my Boy Scout meeting.


EDIT: Our logo was an apple. We had apple shaped signs, apple buttons, apple t-shirts. I'll post pictures eventually. Too tired ATM. :P


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Sorry, I cannot comprehend this blog entry's title.


Apple Success


These two words together do no compute in my brain. [/WindowsHardwiredBrain]


Anyway, glad to hear honesty beat lies and attacks.

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So wait, does this mean you haven't read the next draft of the script I sent you (the one I sent like...two weeks ago) :P


Tell your mom I said congrats!

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Sorry, I cannot comprehend this blog entry's title.


Apple Success


These two words together do no compute in my brain. [/WindowsHardwiredBrain]


Anyway, glad to hear honesty beat lies and attacks.


Go Microsoft! :D


Thanks guys for sending your congrats!

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Congratulations for winning!


Oh, and hooray for Apple! :P


I love apple. That's what I do everything on, I think Windows are not very user-friendly and too prone to viruses. They both have their ups and downs, but I think Mac has more ups then downs.


But then again, it really depends which one you grew up on. If you've been using PC all your life, then most of the time you'll like PC. If you've been using Mac your whole life, then you'll probably like Mac better.


However, my dad, a website, application, and mobile phone app designer, has Macs and PCs, and he likes Mac better for everything.



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I love apple. That's what I do everything on, I think Windows are not very user-friendly and too prone to viruses. They both have their ups and downs, but I think Mac has more ups then downs.



I just had to point a few things out.


~Correction; Windows is still user friendly, it just has more options. By options I mean one can actually control things without Steven Jobs hitting the kill button.

~The reason you don't hear Macs getting infected often isn't because they have a magical shield; it's because there aren't as many on the market. So say there's ten Macs and ninety Windows computers. Now, one out of five of the computers gets infected. By Scott, only two Macs got infected while 18 Windows computers got infected! ...You see where I'm going? Macs have no magical immunity, it's simply there's less of them, thus meaning there's less to be infected.


But I'm more of a Linux guy, actually. Free software that doesn't hog gigabytes of memory. If you're smart enough, you can even change the entire freaken operating system.

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