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You People Should Listen

Nuju Metru


Something has come to my attention,


In many of the "In a Line" topic subtitles, the topic starters will say things like "Why did I do this?" or "No, not another one!" or things like that... but, lo and behold, they were the one to have made another topic in the fad...?


People, if you want to complain and kvetch about the fad, grumble all you want, and be my guest to do so; but really, if you yourself made an "In a Line" topic to contribute to the fad, and now you're bashing that same fad in the topic you just started - that's not just hypocrisy. It's that kind of epicly annoying hypocrisy that makes me want to throw a rock at a window.


Easy solution? Don't. Make. The. Topic.


-Nuju Metru


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But joining the fad makes them cool with 50% of the people. [Estimated data based on absolutely nothing]

And bashing the fad makes them cool with the other 50%.


Thus, 50% + 50% = 100% coolness!


Noobs know math. They don't know about contradictory opinions though.



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I agree, there is two kinds of people I hate.


1) People that misspell

2) Peeple that ar hipocrites.

You do realize that you misspelled "People," "Are," and "Hypocrites" in number two, right?

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I honestly thought that people who dislike the fad would take distance from making a topic

to contribute to it.

I was wrong, I suppose.

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I agree, there is two kinds of people I hate.


1) People that misspell

2) Peeple that ar hipocrites.

You do realize that you misspelled "People," "Are," and "Hypocrites" in number two, right?

Very humourous, GJ. Very good.


This is one reason why fads are lame.



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I agree, there is two kinds of people I hate.


1) People that misspell

2) Peeple that ar hipocrites.

You do realize that you misspelled "People," "Are," and "Hypocrites" in number two, right?


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I agree, there is two kinds of people I hate.


1) People that misspell

2) Peeple that ar hipocrites.

You do realize that you misspelled "People," "Are," and "Hypocrites" in number two, right?




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I agree, there is two kinds of people I hate.


1) People that misspell

2) Peeple that ar hipocrites.

You do realize that you misspelled "People," "Are," and "Hypocrites" in number two, right?


I got that after I really woke up. Curse 6:00 AM internet usage. ><

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