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Oh wow wow wow wow wow.




Conference champ in pole vault. Didn't hit the automatic standard for nationals (went 10' 8"), but still: conference champ!


Second in the 4x100m relay, barely two-tenths off the automatic qualifier for nationals, and we broke the school record.


Almost forgot about the 100m until about 15 minutes beforehand because I was on the other end of the track taking pictures. Won my heat, only to find out that I'd gotten fourth overall and ran sub-thirteen (12.94s) and broke my old PR by about three-tenths of a second.


Ninth overall in the 200m, smashed my old PR, and ran sub 27 (26.59s).


I'm not sure if the 4x100 relay will be taken to nationals on a B standard qualifier. If it does happen, then I might be able to pole vault, but at this point I don't know if I'll be going to nationals or not: it's really all up to the coaches and the people in charge of the heats at nationals. But, wow! What a weekend!


And some pics! I think this was my opening jump, so about....10' 3"ish.





Relay team on the podium

Shiny stuff

And someone at my school took this one right before I ran the 200. I find it hilarious because I don't think I've ever looked that focused.


Right now I'm panicking quite a bit in regards to the amount of work I have to get done. That panic would be lessened a lot if one of my professors for my online class would actually reply to her emails, as I've emailed her quite a few questions in regards to class work, and she's yet to get back to me for any of them. And I know it's not an issue of accidentally misspelling her email or something: one of our written assignmetns had to be emailed to her, and she just posted the grades for it, so I know that she's got to be checking it on at least a semi-regular basis.


FYI: if I'm not really on a lot or chatting much on messenger in the next three weeks or so, that's why.


(and 78 days until BrickFair!!!!)


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Yay finally some (more) pix of you in action!


Congrats again on your records.


I can totally understand not being online much during crunch time. (Good luck.)



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If that’s you focused I’d hate to see your angry eyes. :P

That’s awesome though! I’ll have to remember that you won’t be online much.


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