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Life Is Now

Taka Nuvia


... sometimes it's hard to look into the mirror. Do you know these days where your reflection seems to scream at you, that you're old? Where it seems to tell you "Look what you've become"?


I hate these days. Might be because of my fear of getting older. Looking back, I remember what I thought I'd be at that time. I see the things I did, all the goals I reached, all the times I failed myself, and the things that turned out better than expected.


Sometimes I wonder what will become of me. What life will be like in ten years time.

But then again, I'm quite sure I don't want to know.


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The future is unpredictable; who knows what it'll be like in a decade. The world could be a very different place by then. But just remember, even if you fail yourself, you'll make it up somehow. Good and bad always balance each other out.
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I feel this way every day; when I was younger I thought "One day I'll be someone important because everyone tells me I am clever"...

Now I feel I'm just one of the many people who had walked on this spinning planet. Lately I've become very pessimist about my future ^_^

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To be honest, when I was younger, I didn't even remotely think of these kinds of things, just kinda thought everything would last forever. Things may get better, maybe worse, but I think that we can change those types of things.

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I feel this way every day; when I was younger I thought "One day I'll be someone important because everyone tells me I am clever"...

Now I feel I'm just one of the many people who had walked over this spinning planet. Lately I've become very pessimist about my future ^_^


Naive as I try to be, I kinda still think so most of the time. :lol:


And Taka, you shouldn´t be so pessimistic. Look at all the talents you have, and begin working your way into society. Begin immidiately. Nobody tells you not to write a book or paint a masterpiece just because you´re not fully educated yet. ;)

I, for instance, make sure always to have at least one full-length novel in-the-works. I never had anything released, and didn´t expect to, but it keeps the ambitions and the mood up. =)


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