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Enjoyable Doctor Who Eps



Because, you know, it doesn't matter. But it is interesting to rank up with other Whovians.

(Minus the season finales because those are worth viewing in their own right.)

Basically things that first come to mind of what I would want to rewatch. Not a complete list, though, I doubt.



The End of the World

Empty Child 2pt


The Christmas Invasion

School Reunion

Girl in the Fireplace

Rise of the Cybermen 2pt


Smith and Jones

Shakespeare Code (maybe?)

Human Nature 2pt, sure why not



Sontaran Strategem 2pt

Doctor's Daughter

The Library 2pt


The Next Doctor

Planet of the Dead

Waters of Mars, Sure


Eleventh Hour

Beast Below

Time of Angels 2pt

Vampires of Venice


Make note that I am not ruling out the other episodes.

(Also, I can't stand the Slitheen of Aliens of London 2pt. So consequently Boom Town also annoys me.)


-CF :kakama:


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Blink. <3


I've found that to be extremely useful when it comes to immersing total non-fans into the Doctor Who universe. It requires very little background knowledge to understand, and it's even creepier for the poor aforementioned non-fans who don't know that the bad guys are always aliens.


But it's also just an awesome episode.


I thought they also did an amazing job in bringing back the angels, yet not making them just feel re-used, like some of the aliens. They added a whole new dimension to their dangerousness besides being guaranteed winners at staring contests, and once again kept us at the edges of our seats.




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They did indeed.


My only fear on Blink being a first Who episode (which it actually was for one of my friends) is that it is a Doctor-lite episode, and I would rather start someone off with a really good episode that has The Doctor in all his eccentricities as well.

(My first was Planet of the Dead, and I loved it. Then I started with Season 1 and Eccleston--so immersed that I'll often catch myself saying that Eccleston was my first Doctor before I remember about PotD.)

Perhaps Girl in the Fireplace. That was the first for a few of my friends and it works great as a stand-alone episode.



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Girl in the Fireplace is the best episode of Series 2, I recently realised. I'd probably introduce new viewers with that episode. It'd actually have been quite a good series opening for a new companion. Better than the 'meeting in London' thing RTD used all the time.


I'd also say Dalek is a pretty obvious stand-out episode from Series 1, IMO.


For your series 3 list, I'd replace The Shakespeare Code with Gridlock, but I seem to remember you saying you didn't like that so fair enough.


Series 4, I'd at least add Fires of Pompeii, Midnight and Turn Left (unless you count that as part of the finale which it kinda sorta is). But I love Series 4 so I'd probably add all of it.


I'm surprised you didn't include The End of Time in this list (or at least one of the parts). It's a stupid but fun story, with so many good moments. The cafe scene in Part One, the cliffhanger, the piloting of the Vinvocci ship, the Master's redemption, and that minor thing that happens in the TARDIS at the end. It also has an AMAZING soundtrack.


Planet of the Dead was a nice episode, too, but the trailer made it look more epic than it actually was. Similarly, Voyage of the Darned was a fun episode with a trailer which was better than the actual ep, but I still quite enjoyed it. Ignore Max Capricorn, and it's a good episode. I don't know if you counted Time Crash in this, but that's also a good short.


And I'd rewatch all of Series 5 minus Vampires, I think. Also, no love for Amy's Choice? :( That was waaaay better than Vampires.


- Tilius

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Series 4 had many good episodes, and the ones that weren't as good still had good parts, i.e. the Cyanide scene from the Unicorn and the Wasp - not a good episode at all, IMO. Planet of the Ood was cool, and the three-part finale (yes, I consider Turn Left the first part, so sue me) was awesome. Journey's End was almost like a movie.


I didn't really like The Next Doctor. The Cybermen really felt forced into the story to me, and it just felt … strange, overall. I liked the End of Time more. It could have been better, but I such think it's still better than The Next Doctor.


Vampires of Venice, while it was a good episode, I don't really think it's "great" per se. Sure, it had a few good lines, but I'm getting sick of the ol' "oh-look-it's-another-alien-disguised-as-a-human" thing. You'd think the Doctor would get used to it after a while. Amy's Choice was much better, like Tilius said. The Dream Lord was an awesome villain - he reminds me of the Valeyard from the Trial of a Time Lord in 1986 - and I think it evoked more "Who" than Venice did.

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At Tilius:


I should add Dalek to the list...


I think what stands out for me in Shakespeare Code is the Harry Potter references ("Just wait 'til you read the 7th--I cried.")


Fires of Pompeii should probably be added too. Once again, this is just an "at a glance" if I see a list of possible episodes to watch and pick something without a second thought. Midnight is a good episode too, and I just rewatched that recently. Turn Left was too Doctor-lite for me to really like it.


I did not include End of Time because I figured that is a "season finale" (of season 4.5 heh). It is, of course, worth viewing.


I think I would (actually I did at first) add Voyage of the D... hmm.


Amy's Choice was good, sure. And the Dream Lord was great. Now that I think about it, it could/should be added. It is a good episode. I liked VoV


(I think I should rename this entry. Or just make a ranking list like you did at one point?)




I really liked The Next Doctor. The concept was great (similar to another Who idea I have that they should do), IMO.



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ALL of series 4 would be on my list.


Only series so far (though series 5 looks like it might rival it) in which EVERY SINGLE EPISODE was utterly amazing. :)

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