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Good Berfday

Lady Kopaka


Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. They were really sweet! Swert's the one who made me put my age back up, hahaha...the weird feeling of going "Oh, I'm adult?" keeps coming and going, but I'm in a indifferent state about it.


Birthday was full of Prince of Persia yummies. Saw the movie, my friend got me this awesome graphic novel on it, and we played the games all day. The one thing lacking is we forgot to get a small PoP Lego set for the birthday cake, but we’ll get them later.


Speaking of the movie: IT WAS GOOD. First movie based after a game that was actually really good. I admit, I am partly biased as I'm a big PoP fan, but then again I did have high expectations. My dad who usually chews out most movies really liked it. You'll either love it or have no interest/be meh over. But definitely not a 'bad' movie at all. It was done very well. Though...something felt missing? I'm not sure. Ah well, definitely going to buy it and cuddle it when it comes out on DVD.


Don't usually care much on presents, but I got some nice ones this year. Mainly, my parents surprised me with a card saying they'd get me a new tablet. Wasn't expecting that! It's counting as both my grad present too, but I still think I'll contribute to it a little since our money's so tight, though.


Now I'm just sitting here, having a 'party' with friends on a chat and probably going to bed soon. Then tomorrow it's time to get caught up with work and all that; a lot has been going on, but without the school stress I'm handling things so much better. Sorry for being fail about staying on top of the commissions. I’ll try so hard to send the PMs this week and actually start them!


Okay, enough of me rambling about myself. TLDR: I had a good birthday. You guys take care, and thanks again!


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Happy happy happy late birthday!! :D *obligatory bday glomp* Glad to hear it was generally epic. Thanks for sharing some info about the movie, too; I was also rather worried for it.

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I'm late




Happy (belated) birthday, LadyK. :P


Cool about the new tablet, also. And the movie. And pretty much everything else. :P



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Why does nobody tell me these things.


I would have demanded that you have a happy birthday, but noooo, you had to pre-empt me. Well, miss proactive...


So PoP was good, huh? My newspaper gave it a lousy review, but apparently most critical reviews have been decent. Should be worth checking out, I reckon.

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Just for the record about 'reviewers' from newspapers/tv/etc. I don't trust them. 80% of the time when they say it's bad, people actually enjoy it. Those guys usually review it from this picky standpoint like they're smarty pants that try to over-complicate fun movies. I get my reviews from just friends.


Like I said, you'll either like it or be meh over because it's not your thing--but buddha forbid you hating it, because it was well made.

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Good to hear about PoP, since I might be seeing it this weekend. I didn't really care about it at first, but I guess it does look kind of interesting.


Glad to hear you had a good birthday :) .



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