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>my Face When 800x300





this is as good


as good as my teacher forgetting to take 18 points off on my 55 point quiz. I should have got like a very poor grade, but some how I got a C. feels good man


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So you compare the change to getting what you don't deserve. I'm sure a lot of members agree with that.



Are you trying to say people don't deserve to have larger images in their signatures?

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So you compare the change to getting what you don't deserve. I'm sure a lot of members agree with that.



Are you trying to say people don't deserve to have larger images in their signatures?

No, I'm alright with the larger images. I was referring more to the people who gave extremely negative responses in the talkback.



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Ahaha, no I did not mean for a literal meaning, it is just awesome that banners can be 800x300 and it is also awesome I got 18 more points on a quiz due to the teachers error.


feels good man

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