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Weekly Update - 6/4

Black Six



I welcome you once again to this hebdomadal update of mine. Boy do we have things to discuss. Let's get started!



As I foresaw last week, we had a set review go up - Jet Ray by Darth Vader. People don't seem to like the Ben 10 sets that much, although Pat does see some MOCing potential in the many new parts that appear in these sets.


We also posted a reminder about BrickFair, if you're attending or want to send in MOCs, be sure to read it. As always, it's sure to be a great time.


It was a podtastical week as well. We posted our eleventh episode of the BZPowercast, where we discuss more BrickFair, the story, and RPGs. BS01, on the other hand, interviewed Greg Farshtey. Got give them both a listen!


Did I mention RPGs? IF you're a fan of those, you should check out our 18th Bionicle RPG Contest. We have a theme this time around, as an added twist. If you think you're up to the challenge, we'd love to see you enter!


I think by far the biggest news this week was that we updated our signature and avatar guidelines, which you can check out right here. There's been a very vocal group of people expressing their dislike over the new guidelines, which I suppose we should have expected, but really didn't. I guess after hearing people complain for years about the confusing and restrictive rules, we thought everyone would like the way we opened things up. We should have remembered that you can't please everyone.


I've yet to see any comments though that lead us to believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with the new rules - they're definitely a lot more easier to understand and allow members a lot more flexibility. And believe me, we didn't pick 800x300 out of thin air. We tried and discussed other dimensions and looked at existing signatures to make sure that very few, if any, would be breaking the rules after we made the changes. Believe it or not, even with the old rules it wasn't that hard to get close to 300 pixels tall. The only difference now is that before it was text and images and now it can be purely images. So it all comes down to personal taste. If you don't like it, I'm sorry, but I think it'll become less noticeable with time.



Do you like waffles?


Do you Like Pancakes?


Do you like French Toast?



Not so much.


1. What are you going to do with your life now that you have graduated?

2. Did you enjoy the series finale of LOST?

3. Can you handle the truth?

4. What just happened?

5. Aren't you glad you got these questions?

1. Right now I'm waiting for paperwork to go through so I can start work.

2. I've never seen an episode of LOST.

3. You can't handle the truth!

4. I try not to dwell in the past.

5. You have no idea.


1. What game systems do you have for this generation?

2. Do you have any of the handheld systems?

3. Do you have a car?

4. Any musical preferences?

5. What game system is the best in this generation in your opinion?

6. Does this help your mailbag section?

7. Do you watch much TV?

8. What browser is your favourite?

9. What about OS?

10. What was the last movie you've seen?

1. I own an Xbox 360.

2. Not anything recent.

3. Yes, a Subaru Outback.

4. Classic Rock.

5. I'm probably biased towards the Xbox 360.

6. Immensely.

7. I watch pretty much everything on Hulu.

8. I'm a fan of Firefox.

9. Mac OS X all the way.

10. In theaters? Iron Man 2. Seen? The Prestige.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



I hope that cleared things up in a simple and informative manner (like our new sig rules ;) ). Questions and comments are always welcome, of course. Have a good weekend all!


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It's weird to see something change after being the same for so long, but it seems to be doing fairly well, with exceptions.

Makes me curious about what the other projects you've spoken of will be...



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I can't believe you don't like french toast ...


What kills me about the new sig rules is that an old rule, 100KB, is the one that's now being ignored.

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I can't believe you don't like french toast ...

BECCA, I just got a great idea - let's make french toast for breakfast at BrickFair!!



Now I really, really want to find a good breakfast place here in Tulsa. I am craving good restaurant breakfast food. Which translates to something not from IHOP.

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I can't believe you don't like french toast ...

BECCA, I just got a great idea - let's make french toast for breakfast at BrickFair!!


Excellent... Seriously. I'd go, but I can't.

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I can't believe you don't like french toast ...

I didn't even think that was humanly possible.

Are we going to do the macadamia nut thing again?

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You don't like to dwell in the past but you like Classic Rock?




Classic rock is not 'the past.' It's good taste.

The pink one has a point.

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Do you like waffles?


Do you Like Pancakes?


Do you like French Toast?



Not so much.


Now for the even bigger question: Which do you like more? Pancakes or waffles? *Dun dun dun*

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French toast is one of those foods that you forget exists and then one day you have it and you're all, "Heck yeah, I remember this!"
Y'know? Maybe it's just because I haven't had it in a long time. ;_;
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