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Anecdote #418 ~ Metru - Makuta



Today in the Official Brotherhood of Makuta Topic, I used a little phrase that I want to catalogue for future reference:



I was answering a question about the ability of Makuta to change Kanohi like Toa and wanted to indicate a specific Makuta (the one that we all know and love). Now, I've used various other descriptions to specify which Makuta I mean ("our Makuta," "The Makuta of Metru Nui," "The Makuta we all know and love," etc.), but I like this latest term because it is terse but still descriptive enough to make its point.


We know that there is a trend of Makuta being "assigned" to certain areas (Artakha, the mainland from which Voya-Nui came, probably Karzahni), so this might be a handy short-hand pattern.


So, the purpose of this mini-entry is to make an official beginning-of-use of this/these term(s) by yours truly. Consider it as close to a copyright as I'm going to get. And yes, this is ridiculous, so just shake your head and move on.


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This is not ridiculous (:P), this is an idea which should simplify things a lot. Less typing, less misunderstandings. Great.

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Hmm...How about Zakaz-Makuta? XDI think you already mentioned Artakha-Makuta...

Yeah, there's a fifth one. Wow, we have more than I thought:


Metru-Makuta (aka Makuta)

Artahka-Makuta (aka Dead Art)

Karzanhi-Makuta (probably)

VN Mainland-Makuta (...)

Zakaz-Makuta (aka Rebel)

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Wow, nice mini update...I didn't know we had more than one Makuta, so now I'm horribly confused.


But thats cute, where you bored when you thought up that name? I'm normally bored when I think up good names or good refrences.

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This confuses, yet makes perfect sense, to me. So is this speculation, or conformation and speculation?

Umm... neither? :P


This is just a term mumu created, which can help us differentiate from all the Makuta's we now know to exist... and is also just easier and faster to type up :P


Metru-Makuta... not as fancy as the title, "Makuta of Metru Nui", but it'll do for a day-to-day posting basis :P



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