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Music Is All I Got



So apparently I have no decision in anything anymore...the marching band director from the high school came over the other day and made us do marching steps. I hated it. I found it stupid and awkward and geeky...that's not me. At all. So I told my mom that, said I kinda wanted to drop out. She went on about it all afternoon, all about how I'd love it and how it was important for colleges to see I was involved in something. Then she told me that if I dropped out of marching band, I had to do community service. I'm not going to work at a church. I'm not going to give back to this community - it doesn't give me anything. It's not who I am. I don't wanna pretend to be someone else for a college, and then for a job.


Honestly, the only thing that's ever interested me even slightly is music. The music I like, and not just any stupid marching music. I love to write my songs. I love the idea of the creative process of putting music to the lyrics. I love the concept of going across the country as a trio and playing that music, and talking to other people who love music, and other people who care about music as much as I do. It's not some stupid "I wanna be a rockstar" dream - I couldn't care less about fame. I just wanna make some music, make enough money to get by, and share that music with people who actually CARE about it. Is that really too much to ask? I'm definitely not interested in doing anything else.


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Most colleges don't give a flip about whether or not you were involved in anything. They care about your grade$, your te$t $core$, etc. As long as you meet those guidelines, you're fine.

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My mom seems convinced otherwise. Not to mention that we don't really have a lot of ca$h. :P So I think the reason for all the extracurricular stuff is probably that she wants me in on a scholarship...I'm really fine with going to a lesser known college, but I guess that's a no-go.
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While I admire your sticking it to the man by wanting to quit band, you do come across as a tad selfish in not wanting to help out a community that has "never done anything for you". Plus, if you live in the majority of North American school districts, you probably have to do an arbitrary amount of community service hours to graduate anyway.


But I digress.


Have you told your mom about your musical aspirations? You can always get into college for music, you know.

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Plus, if you live in the majority of North American school districts, you probably have to do an arbitrary amount of community service hours to graduate anyway.

I've never met anyone in America who had to do community service to graduate from a public school. :???:

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SPIRIT- Didn't try to sound selfish...more that I just don't believe in community service; it seems like a miserable way for people to "give back" and feel good about themselves. Also, we don't have to do community service (I don't think anyway), but I know there's a senior project.
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