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Burn, Baby Burn!



Well, I got my first good sunburn of the year. Yow, my arms are sore. >.< That's what you get for standing on the roof of a big building, pulling nails out with a wonderbar and hammer. Yeah, it hurts. But on the bright side, I have a wicked tan too. And a paycheck soon.


Anyone else got a burn yet, or even a tan? Hopefully you don't love BZP so much that you don't go outside at all. :P


Oh, and what do you think of this for painting my walls like this:





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Yes, as a matter of fact, I have already gotten a sunburn. Several sunburns. XD




You're lucky that your parents will even let you paint your room those colors. Mine won't let me paint my room black. :( Although dark gray is allowed...


oh and also



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XD I tried making it italics... yeah, it failed. :P

I'm a graphic designer! Of course they'd let me design my walls! :P



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My first appearance inside your glorious comics doesn't get a blog entry praising my originality, the humor and quality of the comic, and the cuteness of the octagons? I'm offended :(


Kidding, kidding. Yeah. Sunburns = NOT. GOOD. NO ARGUMENTS >:(

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Green and black didn't look so good together, and blue and green somehow didn't fit... besides, those look pretty cool :)


Thanks for the blog approval! Thats almost 10!!



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I'm a graphic designer! Of course they'd let me design my walls! :P

What do you mean by that?


And also, shut up about your approvals. Seriously. How the heck did you manage to get 9 in less time than it took me to get 4?

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:o Whoa, attacker Thylon! I was just excited. You would be too.


And anyways, I've taken Graphic Design classes at our college and have a decent amount of experience.



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:o Whoa, attacker Thylon! I was just excited. You would be too.


And anyways, I've taken Graphic Design classes at our college and have a decent amount of experience.



Oh, I see. I've been planning on taking some graphic design classes too.

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