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Japanese Cartoonists




Try reading that. Start on the top right side and follow the arrows.


Darn Japanese cartoonists...




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Maybe WE'RE the ones who read backwards.


Just ask any one who reads Japanese and they'll tell you. :P


Also which manga is that? Looks like one of the Four Swords books.

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Well, the rest of the World reads left-to-right, so they are the weird ones. Besides, America is the most dominant country in the world currently. Anyone who does differently from us is weird :P



(not to say we're not weird)



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I seriously don't get how it's hard to read like that


I mean just flip the order and you probably get how we read comic books

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Back when I regularly read manga, I had to readjust every time I got a BIONICLE comic. Because I would try reading it that way. xD
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It's not too hard to get used to. The only problem is when you're browsing DeviantArt or some such art site and keep coming across some artists who draw them the usual style and some who draw them manga-style, and none of them explain which they're using... I have actually read many comics backwards and not even realized it until halfway through. <=D



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It is called Manga. The Japanese read things differently than we do, and for Manga they usually opt to keep it in the original format rather than flip everything. I found that it was really easy to get used to, I can easily switch between both and always could.



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