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I Should Update More

Lady Kopaka


Nearing a month since my last update...sorry! To be honest, one reason is because there is nothing to update about. No art, writing, exciting life experiences...just been sick and busy with life. Things have just been a drag here, and I'd rather not talk about the hardships.


Next week however, VF should be rolling around my area, which I'm quite excited for. Hopefully we'll be able to get a lot of art done at that time. Speaking of art:


I draw these three too much, but my fandoms are my only crutch right now to keep up with art/writing. Proportions are off, but when do I ever get them right? HB versions of Lariska, TSO, and Ancient...maybe I'll have the next chapter up soon, or I might enter the Short Story Olympics contest. *shrug*


Anyway, that's sorta it...yeah sorry, my blog is pretty lame, I don't know why I have all those views and stuff. Haha.


I hope everyone is doing well! As usual: sorry for being lame with PM responding and other duties I have not fulfilled yet. Lastly, any suggestions what I should draw? Throw it at me--Bionicle, Hero Factory, something non-related to LEGO...whatever. Love to hear your input on that and things like styles and mediums to use. That always encourages me to draw more. (I really should draw more action/posing stuff...)


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Wow wonderful artwork lady K it looks amazing your skills are amazing and I have an idea how about you draw a human jaller and zaktan fighting each other what do you think ?

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You should try drawing the original Star Trek crew.




Or maybe you can draw one of the Hero Factory characters. Just go with what you think will be more fun to you.



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You could, you know, do that commission thingie. =P I don't mind paying for it, even.


But yeah, proportions schmroportions (is that how the saying goes?). I think it's fine...well, I might not be the best judge, I only really pay attention to the faces, and the faces are perfect.

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You could, you know, do that commission thingie. =P I don't mind paying for it, even.


But yeah, proportions schmroportions (is that how the saying goes?). I think it's fine...well, I might not be the best judge, I only really pay attention to the faces, and the faces are perfect.

I know. I really want to get commissions started again, but with me being sick and all it's really hard to handle stuff that evolves around work/deadlines/etc, even if the subject is fun. I just want to try to get back in the habit of art, and maybe then I can finally work on yours.

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That's amazing, LK, I downright adore that texture. This is definitely one of your best. You keep saying your proportions are off but have ever you considered that this could be the sign of a unique style?


We should really catch up sometime, on MSN, or even on Facebook. :P

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