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Weekly Update - 7/24

Black Six



It's a late update this week, but that's because I've been so busy with BZPower stuff!



So I heard it's like, our anniversary or something. Nine years is crazy, right? It boggles my mind to think that our site has been going on and thriving for this long - our members really are amazing, even though they whine and complain a bit. We wouldn't be here without you!


We like to try to celebrate things in as big a way as possible on our anniversary. Of course that means Premier perks! This year, it also means a giveaway of Cryoshell CDs that aren't available in the US (or most countries) - and they're signed even! It also means we're changing the way that we're doing reporting on BZPower. I'm hoping for some positive feedback, but I'm sure someone will find something they don't like. I'm also hoping the next episode of the BZPowercast will be up before the Anniversary week is over. We also had another even larger project that we were working on, but it didn't quite pan out. I think it's too big to wait until next year though, so hopefully later this year you'll see some bigger changes on BZPower.


On the Bionicle front, a new serial started up on BionicleStory.com. I'm glad to see things are still progressing there.


In other news, Toa_Velox submitted his first review, Hero Factory set Preston Stormer. For a change, I don't think there will be a review this weekend, at least not from me.


The San Diego Comic-Con is going on now, and LEGO has been there in a big way. I'm just going to list all of our coverage:

I wish someone from the staff could have made it there, but it was not meant to be. Maybe next time!


I think that's about all I've got (wasn't that enough?).



No questions this week. Everyone must be too busy blogging.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



I hope everyone is enjoying the anniversary, I know it's a lot of effort for some of us to get things to go as smooth as possible. Have a good weekend everyone, and keep enjoying BZPower!


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We also had another even larger project that we were working on, but it didn't quite pan out. I think it's too big to wait until next year though, so hopefully later this year you'll see some bigger changes on BZPower.

You're going to make the logo bigger, aren't you?

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We also had another even larger project that we were working on, but it didn't quite pan out. I think it's too big to wait until next year though, so hopefully later this year you'll see some bigger changes on BZPower.

You're going to make the logo bigger, aren't you?

This is too much of a change for the community to handle

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We also had another even larger project that we were working on, but it didn't quite pan out. I think it's too big to wait until next year though, so hopefully later this year you'll see some bigger changes on BZPower.

You're going to make the logo bigger, aren't you?

It should be 500x800, I think.

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We also had another even larger project that we were working on, but it didn't quite pan out. I think it's too big to wait until next year though, so hopefully later this year you'll see some bigger changes on BZPower.

You're going to make the logo bigger, aren't you?

It should be 500x800, I think.

But then I would have to scroll more. :angry:

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I still believe that phones are for calling, MP3 players are for music, and computers are for visiting websites. They should not combine or overlap!

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