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Okay, 360 Poll Time!



I just want to know, FROM GAMERS WHO MAY KNOW...


Halo 3, or ODST? Which should I get?


For the record, I have only played Halo on PC and the first level of Halo 2 on my brother's Xbox back in the day. I am as noobish to Halo as an Apple fanboy is to a Zune.


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I may not own either (and i dont own a 360 either lol) but I've played both, and If I had to choose, I'd go with Halo 3.



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Hold off until Reach.


But between those two, ODST. Halo 3 campaign isn't much, but with ODST you get the complete Halo 3 multiplayer experience.

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Hold off until Reach.


But between those two, ODST. Halo 3 campaign isn't much, but with ODST you get the complete Halo 3 multiplayer experience.

Plus firefight!


In reality the ODST is more feature complete (has a campaign, firefight, plus all of Halo 3's multiplayer including all the DLC maps), if you're after continuity though it would be nice to have Halo 3 to play through that campaign.


Recommendation, rent/borrow Halo 3, buy ODST.

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Hold off until Reach.


But between those two, ODST. Halo 3 campaign isn't much, but with ODST you get the complete Halo 3 multiplayer experience.

This is what I was gonna say. Except for the campaign part. I like Halo 3's campaign much better than ODST's.


In the long run though, ODST is probably the better buy.



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Already bought Batman, not a huge fan of Bayonetta really, and I couldn't handle the BioShock demo on my PC, let alone buying the game for my 360.


I suppose Gears is an option, but like my brother I could never really get into it.

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If your concern is multiplayer, then ODST for sure. To me, the campaigns aren't really comparable (but I may lean more towards ODST because you can get more into it than 3's).


Or Reach. WaWa's got a wonderful point there.



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ODST, definitely - you get all the Halo 3 maps on it and the complete multiplayer experience. Plus it has a better campaign and has firefight.

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People say Halo 3's campaign was lame, but ODST's was a joke compared to it.

ODST campaign > Halo 3 campagin.


Though they're both awesome in their own ways, I just love the setting and atmosphere of ODST better (plus it has better voice acting).

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I have officially chosen ODST over H3.


If for nothing else, H3 was gone by the time I went to go buy it. Plus, Firefight did catch my eye.

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