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I Have To Get This Off My Chest..



Hero Factory is one of the stupidest things ever. Lego decides to replace Bionicle for no reason, and then replace it with the same thing, but with cra**y names.I mean Dunkan Bulk? What the heck does that mean? And they make a TV show out of it too. Why would it have been so hard to do that with Bionicle? D=<


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Guys, they don't live in a complete fantasy world with mask powers, elements, they live in a world like ours just with a bit of a futuristic side. They're robots. Not powerful element controlling beings. Bionicle has it's own language so the names have to match the point that they don't speak english so their names are completely different from ours. HF takes place on earth in a futuristic era. They don't have a different language so their names don't have to be out of this world.


Toa Daiker

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Shockblast doesn't really exist, guys. XD


Anyways, why the big fight over names?? Seriously. If someone asked why I'm named Shadix, I'd reply "Because I came up with it, and it sounds cool".




Not a big deal.



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Just because the names are bad doesn't mean the theme is bad. It's like saying the graphics of a game are bad, so the game sucks. Still, you have to admit Hero Factory sets are better than anything Bionicle could ever do.


And a Bionicle TV show would be too complicated, as it would be hard to start at a random point in the storyline. Hero Factory, on the other hand, has a simpler story, and thus can be adapted into a TV show.



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I will bring up this image again.


The heroes have much better pieces than the Bionicle small sets, and honestly, I think the helmets are better too.


Sure, Bionicle had some great sets and pieces, but most of the canister sets re-used the same Inika build. Hero Factory has a little bit of originality, as the villains (except for Von Nebula and Rotor) don't use an Inika Torso. If you don't like the HF sets, just modify or revamp them.


Hero Factory also doesn't have much of a story, making it easier for kids to play with the sets. Bionicle, on the other hand, has a very complicated story, and I recently found out (on a MMOG) that most people didn't like Bionicle because of it's complicated storyline.






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So if there's no story, what makes HF interesting? (Beside the sets)

And on that pic of Tahu vs a "Hero," I noticed the arms have no armor. The back must look bad.

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So if there's no story, what makes HF interesting? (Beside the sets)

And on that pic of Tahu vs a "Hero," I noticed the arms have no armor. The back must look bad.

HF does have a story. But thier story has room for infinite creativity. It isn't like Bionicle where its restricted to one story. Hero Factory has a world of possibilities that aren't restricted to ___ doing _____ and it being a big part. There are tons of villians that won't show up in the story but people can create them and make thier own story. I'm not trying to say that BIONICLE wasn't good (It is awesome just for the record) because it had too much canon but that it didn't have as much as it did in 2001 where there were rahi that didn't show up (Like Archive Moles etc.) and a person could create a scene. More Creativity = more play. More play = More set buying.


Oh, and the backs aren't 100% armored but they seem to have some sort of metal plating ;)


Toa Daiker

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