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And Yet I Am Sorry

Lady Kopaka


VF is gone, I'm not at brickfair, my mind in many places as usual, stories and art need to be updated soon, and sickness enjoying it's usual fray against me. Ah, such a familiar world.


Vezok's Friend, thank you so much for taking time to hang out with me. I'm sure you got annoyed when I was distant a lot, or hiding in my room sick, but I really am so thankful to have a friend's company in my life.

We had a lot of fun; got to head down to the beach, something which was awesome because we never usually do vacations. Besides lots of other silly randomness we were up to, we also did a drawing for Brickfair at the last minute! (literally, it was a all-nighter. my fault) Hopefully if you go, you'll see it. Whenever VF can, I'll let him post the drawing here.


Alas, reality surfaces again from a momentary peace, and a raging storm follows me wherever I go. I have college to plan for, work to sort, health problems to improve on, and to fix my own flaws when it comes to friendships. And that brings me to another thing. Some say I am sweet and considerate person, which may be true, but ultimately I suck at being a friend. I wanted to apologize deeply to many right now. I know I've said I'd do things, respond to your messages, and many more--but have not. Maybe to some of you it's okay, but I know ultimately it's not the right thing to do. Being 'busy' (which honestly is a mild word in my case) is a lame excuse after awhile...but it's the only one I have.


I'll be away for a few days again, so hopefully within that time I'll be organizing a sleuth of things that need to get done. I apologize if this entry sounds like a pity party or the sort, but I'm really trying as hard as I can. Give me a smack and tell me to try harder, that's what I need. And really, if you have felt offended or ignored by me, please tell me so we can mend the problem. I'm very sorry.


Love you all! Hopefully things will get betterand my brain will actually function so I can remember silly things like PMs and tying my shoes.


In the meantime, enjoy one of the drawings I did while hanging out with VF. Human versions of Zaktan and a slightly mature Toa Hahli (headshots again? aagggh).




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You should really have put Zaktan's big grin on him. LOLZ!

He's a bit more of a grouch in my form, but he does have a rather large mouth when he wants to, hah.

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The new art is lovely. :wub:


Doing the right thing: harder than it sounds. By far. And so, at times, is being a friend.


Among other things, such as sexy and talented, Vee Ef is a prince and a gentleman. I'm glad you've been able to enjoy his excellent company in person. :)


Chin up, Sue. Game's not over yet. Hang in there and just do your best. :)



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Good to hear you were cheered up for a bit. Bad to hear you're not good. :/


But good art. I can imagine that face smiling a maniacal, murderous smile. That'd be creepy. Hahli is good too. Finally, someone who doesn't portray her as blonde. Both are great pieces of art.

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But really its not always easy being a good friend, don't get down on yourself because of it.


Art is great as usual, glad to see you posting drawings a bit more often

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But really its not always easy being a good friend, don't get down on yourself because of it.


Art is great as usual, glad to see you posting drawings a bit more often


Just because she says she wasn't a good friend doesn't mean that it's true. It's quite the opposite, really :)


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But really its not always easy being a good friend, don't get down on yourself because of it.


Art is great as usual, glad to see you posting drawings a bit more often


Just because she says she wasn't a good friend doesn't mean that it's true. It's quite the opposite, really :)


That. To be perfectly Honest LK, you're one of the best friends i've had in... well, years. And i barely talk to you! Says a lot, no?


Like me an Rapi said, Friendship ain't based on communication, it's based on Patience, and your willingness to wait for friends. That's why the good friends will always be there, no matter what you, or they, do... it's cause they're friends.


Cause, to quote Whenua, that's what friends do!



Oh, and erm... "I CAN'T STOP BREATHING!"

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Oh, and erm... "I CAN'T STOP BREATHING!"



I love you guys, haha.


You know ya do! ;)


Still though, it's true. You're a great friend. You, like everyone else, have your faults (like not making yoru art fastuhs) but the qualities you have that are good far outweigh them.



I look forward to that Stir Fry one day, BTW.

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hmm... I must say, these pieces of art are amazing. However the drawing of Zaktan doesn't fit him. But Hahli was perfect!


*Chokes* I'm not regretting trying to stop breathing <_<

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hmm... I must say, these pieces of art are amazing. However the drawing of Zaktan doesn't fit him. But Hahli was perfect!

I'm quite glued into my design of him. How would you change him?

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hmm... I must say, these pieces of art are amazing. However the drawing of Zaktan doesn't fit him. But Hahli was perfect!

I'm quite glued into my design of him. How would you change him?


I don't know. I guess it's just that I can't imagine a Skakdi as a human :P

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