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Brickfair Stuffs And Such



So the only images I've appeared in (for the most part) are either group images or ones where I'm in the background. Which is all the better... I look horrible in photographs. (And I assume in person, although I don't have to look at that so it doesn't bother me)


Here's a random list of things that I can remember off the top of my head...


Arpy and I talk too much on red eye flights.

Not to mention our topics of discussion were very unusual.

CF met us at the airport and had a sign with our names on it. Mine was added as a footnote.

DC drivers in general are crazy

I don't think it's possible not to get lost in DC

Also, fenced in parking lots are the perfect trap.

Cicadas are loud! (Even on an off year, presumably)

That thunder storm came out of nowhere!

"Where is the California Pizza Kitchen??"

"Wait, we're supposed to be going the opposite direction?"

"Eh, forget this, let's go for Taco Bell."

5 hours of sleep is better than none.

It took me forever to find a place to put my plane and car MOCs.

"Hey, Yannik, where's my tote bag?"

A large fries at Five Guys is still too much for three people. Next time go for a regular.

There were a lot of sets at the Running of the Bulls

It was good to be a white plate. Bad to be a pink brick tho.

"I don't know where your bag is, Ben. It was just there a second ago." :lookaround:

I was demoted to human fence post on Saturday. Thanks Andrew. :P

The shirts Bionicle Raptor was selling = awesome!

I got two. B)

"Do you want one more call on this bingo game?" "No, I just got here, start over!"

"Lets go to the grocery store and by Macadamia nuts!"

They didn't carry any. :(

Pool Party!!

Pool closed after 8 PM. :glare:

Hung out in a hotel room and chatted = fun.

BTW, I always thought Rayg, DV, and Janus were very intimidating on the web

And their alleged coolness was over hyped.

I was wrong.

They are all totally awesome!!!!!!!

As are CF, Disky, Nukaya, Nuju Metru, Vezok's Friend...

And other people too.

And Arpy, but I've met him before, so I already knew that. :P

Sunday: "Let's just get the public hours over with"

Dozed off behind Bionicle table

Went to get pizza with cool people.

And slurpees.

Ben started driving away when I was only halfway in his van.

Other occupants said it was good entertainment for them.

I was okay, 'cause I am the next James Bond.

Overpriced fairy fig = overpriced.

Helped take down stuff at the Lego area.

Then had to rush to gather all my other MOCs

Saw strange card next to my xkcd vignettes.

OMG. :bigeek:

I won something at the giveaways.

So did EW and Daydreamer, but they weren't there to claim them. :(

Made it to fancy dress dinner.

"Pass the camera around!"

BrickFair over. :(

Ben the next day: "Get out get out get out!!!"

J/K not really :P

Flew homes.

Built stuff at home.




Hopefully I'll have more stuff coming soon. I didn't get many good pictures, but I did bring my Camcorder for a reason. :sly:




Recommended Comments

Oh man. Next year, I'm forcing Felicia to stop so you guys can follow. She just like took off and once we were on the highway, I was like ".... uh, where's Ben???" Or we should print out directions for everyone ... CORRECT directions. However, CPK does not count as staff dinner. Outback with Steve Witt should. :D

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However, CPK does not count as staff dinner. Outback with Steve Witt should. :D

Disagree. :(

:< Augh. We'll just try again next year?


Next year we use Googlemaps/Mapquest instead of a GPS? It got us to Outback just fine.

You remind me next year and I will make sure this happens.

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