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My Birthday Cake Is Not A Lie

Avohkah Tamer


So I turned 20 today.


I still have no idea how I got to be so old. I'm like... OLD old.


I feel compelled to tell people younger than me how back in my day, I had to walk to school barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways; except I was homeschooled so it's not really true.


My birthday was largely uneventful, no party, no friends over; but I got a couple Hero Factory sets as gifts (Duncan Bulk, Xplode, Furno's Bike). Oh, and one of these, which my brother found in-package at a garage sale a few weeks ago. It's LOUD, too, which is pretty cool.


But you didn't click my blog entry to hear about my gifts, did you? You clicked it to see my cake.




It's not really a Black Forest cake (the kind the Portal Cake was modeled after), just a pretty simple cheap version my mom made for me. Boxed chocolate cake mix, crushed Oreo wafers, a can of chocolate frosting, white decorating frosting in a compressed can, and maraschino cherries.


And it tasted so good.


Oh yeah, and check out what I did with the Oreo frosting I scraped off the cookies!






Recommended Comments

Cool cake, bro.


But seriously, as cool as this is, you just wait a few more months for MY birthday. Not sure if it's gonna be a WCC or an Audiosurf cake or what yet, but it's going to totally own yours.


You and your cake have been warned...


«Takuma Nuva»
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